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cave head ( 1 )
the cave head is the leader of the cave . they make all sorts of decisions and can do whatever they'd like to do to the clan . this role is by summerstar , a character owned by me . they end in -star .

alate ( 1 )
the alate is a co leader , summerstars daughter or step daughter . their name will always end with -flower or -ant . it can only be a she cat or a trans she cat .

head medical cat ( 1-3 )
these cats are the most skilled of medical cats , able to swiftly patch up any bruise or scar . they are the smartest of herb stockers and know each herb and each meaning of the herb . they end with -moss , -shrub , or -stem .

medical cat ( 3-7 )
they are cat's who have successfully passed the herb stocking phase and have became full medical cats . they only end in -vine .

medical nighthunter ( 1-4 )
these are cat's who have medical skill in case a minor emergency while hunting .

nighthunter ( 1-8 )
they are nocturnal cats who have adapted to sleeping in special dens and hunting and protecting the cave at night . they are mostly known for being highly intelligent or strong , and end with -moon .

dayhunter/hunters ( inf )
the warriors of the clan . these cat's have no specific ending and hunt for summerclan .

shrublurchers ( 1-5 )
these cats are spies of the clan . they are only allowed to be she cats , and end with -crawler , -lurcher , or -sighter .

herb stocker ( 1-7 )
these are young cats who train to become medical cats , and are gifted with grand intelligence . nothing much to say . they end with -wind .

shrubhiders ( 1-3 )
these cats train to become shrublearchers , and are gifted with great eyesight . they end with -sight .

humble moons ( 1-10 )
they are cat's who train to become nighthunters , and are gifted with eerie vibes when seen by new cats . they end with -night . only one out of how many cats there are are actually picked and appointed to nighthunters .

humble stars ( 1-10 )
they are cat's who train to become regular hunters , and end in -paw . they have no magical gift .

nursers ( inf )
these are former hunters who age kits until they are 8 moons .

kits ( inf until too many )
these are cat's under 8 moons that are kept with nursers until the age is reached . they end in -kit .

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