Here, yet again

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It's strange to hold this pen again, to write in this notebook again, as I used to do in the old days, when I explored like a child without fear of the passing of time...

107 years have passed since that fateful day, 107 long years in which I was not able to open this diary without collapsing in tears. It was just too painful to remember, and after all, what good was journaling if there was no one left to read it?

It seems that there is no point in continuing this story with all that being said, is there? , but here I am once again, and not only to summarize what has happened during all this time, something remarkable has ocurred, something that has given me hope , but I'll talk about that later.

107 years seems like a long time, and it is, even more if you feel... Alone... for an elf like me, this is not mortal, since we don't die of old age, luckily or unfortunately. However, this does not mean that there are no signs of aging reflected in my body. All my hair is now white and my unkempt face has grown a short beard. Sparks is still here with me, as my truest and only friend on this island, and together we make sure everything is under control.

Humans continued to be arrogant, hunting frigustella creatures to use their crystals as a power source, taking over land as if it all belonged to them. None of the indigenous peoples get along with them, in fact some live so hidden because of them that they are only known as myths and legends. Humans are even mean to themselves, corrupt and ruthless, with mafias that last generation after generation.

But, just as there are things that last over time, others vanish. I thought I would always hate humans for what they did to me, however, looking into the eyes of the murderers' grandchildren, mere kids who don't know their own roots,  enjoying the wonders of this place as I did myself In my time, I can't feel the same. They look at me with curiosity and wonder, my hair, my pointy ears and my magic.

On one occasion one of them infiltrated my home, I was afraid he was planning something against me, but then I realized his sad and scared expression, he was begging me, asking me to please give him a potion to cure his sick mother. . There was still hope in them, I guess not all of them are so bad, I gave him what he needed and since then I took care of the humans who deserved it as much as my frigustella creatures.

Since then everything seemed to be getting better, with time better humans were born although there were still a few problematic ones, thanks to that I was able to relax for a while, until one day...

The whole island darkened as if the night itself were whipping fast, a terrifying phenomenon happened, which will always remain engraved in my memory. My beloved forest was submerged in absolute darkness, predatory eyes lurked in the shadows, hunting my creatures, one after another, submerged in the abyss.

Some guardians of the trees managed to survive, adapting to the attack of the shadows and keeping them at bay. It seemed that the worst was over, but then a thunderous roar broke into the silence of the darkness, illuminating the night, but not with the light of a new day, but with the brilliance of a calamity that I knew well.

The volcano had exploded, and from it, the titanic phoenix arose, which, chained by the same sorcery of the shadows that lashed the forest, went to finish the horrendous work that the darkness had already begun. The forest was engulfed in flames without me being able to do anything, other than put them out once everything had happened, that was not the phoenix I met, nor could I have defeated it with all my current power.

It seems that my destiny was to have to see my family, my friends, my beloved and my children die in front of my eyes without me being able to do anything to avoid it.

But then, in the confines of the woods, a light shone, small but pure, like a star in the sky. A small group of guardian hatchlings were somehow still alive, their eyes shining with the light of the sun. The shadows were scared just by approaching those infants.

Hope arose again, among the tree guardians.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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