ep 2 : project with him

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| "Things I need to do for my job , pft " |

 You sigh heavily as you look at him ... He wasn't even bothering to look back at you but he knew you were here . "Speak already . You have a mouth for that . Your presence is annoying me ." Riki said without even glancing at you .  "I can't speak with someone unless they look at me and pay attention ," You said making him look at you with an unamused face .    "Are you some clown or what ? Anyways continue."   You rolled your eyes at his disrespectful remark .    "We sadly got a project together and if we won't submit it on time , it will affect our grades,"   You said while emphasizing the word 'sadly' .

He chuckled sarcastically . "As if I care about that,"  He stood up and was about to get out of the café area.  It was lunch time . You care about the grades cause you need to stay here to complete your mission and if your grade drops, you will be kicked out .  "But your father would-" This sentence made him stop walking .           "大嫌い  !  !  !"  [I really hate you]  He mumbled but he made sure you could hear him . 

He still left without saying if he was actually gonna do the project with you or not .  'Such a ass . Things I need to do for my job, pft '  You thought . 

The fact that you guys got project on the first day is surely frustrating but that's actually good for you cause you will get to spend time with Riki and it's very important for your mission to get close with him . But things are just not going the right way. 



You slightly smile at the receptionist as she hands you your dorm's key .  Even the thought that you need to share the dorm with others was bothering you . It wasn't because you were some introvert who loves being alone all the time , it was rather because sharing the dorm with someone means you need to stay alert of what you do and what you say 24/7 .  And the fact that you need to share this dorm with 4 more people .  

Staying on the college's dorm was mandatory for every student. And the dorms were quite close to the college building , you could just walk to there and it would take maximum 10 minutes ? You checked your dorm number . You sighed a bit as you finally reached your dorm . 

You used the key but then you realized the door was already open . 'Are they some bunch of dumb kids ?'     You thought... Yes, you were so quick to judge . 

"Oh - new mate ?" You get out of your small world as someone randomly spoke . He had dark black hair , just like Riki but he had a way friendlier vibe than Riki .   He came near you , he still had that warm smile .  You knew him , Shim Jake- but you for now you need to pretend you don't . 

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