How to join Boys Republic's fan cafe

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First of all you need a daum cafe account (If you already have one, you can skip to step 2)
How to do it? It’s pretty easy ^^
Go to and click the grey square that says “로그인” at the rigth top corner of the page

When this window shows up, click on “회원가입” registrer

After that, something like this will be on your screen

Click on the big blue button for confirmation

They will send you an e mail for confirmation so go check your inbox!
(until here credit goes to tiny-giant4 @ tumblr)
After confirming your account and logging in you have to go to their fan cafe and click on this button

It means join. I new page will appear showing something like this:

What name you choose now doesn’t matter to much since you can change it later if necessary. (But to meet requirements for later, make sure not to include any member or company names, from Boys Republic or epecially other artists) After that you should search for this section of the fan cafe

Something like this will appear

Type the following things into the box: Your name/age/sex ( for female and for male)/where you live (country is enough unless you’re in Korea, then your country/region)/Boys Republic members names/your wish for Boys Republic (more than one line, but English should be ok here.)
Don’t forget to click the little padlock to keep your info secret, too!
You will have to wait for the staff to confirm your apply, but after a day or a few hours you’ll be an official member of their fan cafe!
That way you can see the member’s messages and pictures ^^

Cr:@boysrepublic-intl tmblr

Ps: Im sorry i cant put all the pictures in here so i add the yt video tutorial instead ^^

Boys RepublicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon