The bitch

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Ryan and Charlotte's apartment


"Woohoo! Hawaii, here we come. I can't wait for tomorrow morning. Damn girl I think this three days midterm break is gonna go well in Hawaii." Charlotte who was busy cooling herself in the swimming pool, chuckled at Sasha.

"Uh huh, even I have thought of the same thing too." Sipping her blue berry wine. "You know what? Why don't we invite Nelly's best friend along?"

"Yeah, that's another great idea. It's gonna look nice and fascinating with four girls grooving together." Charlotte chuckled.

"Is she aware about the trip?" Sasha inquired.

"Umm, well maybe, I assume Nelly must have told her about it by now. They're besties so it's obvious she already knew it." Charlotte replied.

"For a sec Char, I thought of how we are gonna do our girls stuff."

Sitting on the tiled slab, Charlotte wiped her face with a towel. "What girls stuff are you talking about?"

"Well surfing of course"

Slapping her forehead, "yeah, I forgot. Well I think we can do that but you know am still learning how to surf."

Scrunching her brows, "huh? I thought you said Ryan has already taught you how to surf, the last time you two went on a Christmas holiday in Florida."

Scratching her head, "hmm, he did but you know how slow and annoying I am." Pausing for a while, she added. "Especially this surfing thing, damn am scared of sinking."

Bursting into laughter, "you're so funny, when are you gonna grow up? All you have to do is to keep your mind focused and your weight at state, simple!"

"That's the same thing Ryan told me but am still scared of drowning in the ocean."

"I guess you're talk bout the huge water waves." Sasha chuckled.

Snapping her fingers, "exactly, they're like wall papers at the back of the surfers."

Sipping her wine, "hmm, I bet they are." Pausing for a while, she inquired. "Guess what?"

"What's it?"

"Guess the person I saw at the shopping complex yesterday."

Scrunching her brows, "Sasha you know am not good at guessing, so just spill it out."

Leaning her chair closer, "I saw the shameless bitch."

Knowing the actual person Sasha was talking about. "Lorena?"

Tilting her neck, Sasha scoffed. "Uh huh"

"So what about her?"

"Girl, you won't believe how shameless that bitch spoke to me when I lashed on her." Sasha scowled.

Crossing her hands in the front, "what did she tell you? Infact why will you be talking to an hypocrite like her." Charlotte inquired curiously.

Shrugging her shoulders, "what do you expect? You think she can get away freely after placing an heartbreak in Justin's innocent heart?" Sasha said.

"It's a couple of weeks now, since the two longtime lovers broke up. I really felt bad for Justin." She sighed, "the poor guy wasted seven years of his life with an harlot." Charlotte helplessly shook her head.

"That's not just a break up, it's also a big disappointment, shame and disgrace. If I was to be Justin, I would ask Lorena to pay me back every dime I've spent on her." Sasha scoffed.

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