The story begins with Piccolo being imprisoned after being recognized as the old King Piccolo. He was very lonely in his cell and his roommate Cell didn't make anything better.
He always tried to make friends in prison but no one liked him because he was green!! One morning a guard escorts piccolo to the visitation room where he is greeted by Vegeta, Goku, and Krillin. The guys had come to tell him that Bulma was going to bail him out, but everyone is going to be fighting someone in a different universe once he gets out. "I don't have any money for a place to stay while you guys are gone where should I go?" Said Piccolo "You don't need a house your a plant fool!" replied Vegeta "That's not very nice Vegeta" says Krillin "I hope you like roommates Piccolo cause I've got a place for you!" Said Goku smugly
(three days pass)
Piccolo is released on the day before Halloween and makes his way to the place Goku had told him about. He makes it to the house and knocks on the door hard. Three faces greet him at the front door. "Uhm hello who are you?" Said Reese "I'm piccolo my friend Goku said to ask you guys for a place to stay for a bit" Said piccolo "Oh my god, you in Dragon Ball!!" Said Reese with his mouth filled with hotdogs "You saw me with a dragon ball?" Said piccolo "No, he means the anime and I KNOW YOU TOO" exclaimed Ben "What the heck are you guys talking about I've never seen this green dude before" said Jada "Of course you wouldn't know" Said Ben & Reese at the same time. They end up letting piccolo inside. Piccolo is bored because Ben and Reese are too focused on playing a game and Jada seems to be thinking about something while staring at Ben and he doesn't want to interrupt anyone to train with him. Little does Piccolo know Reese will train with him at any cost...