chapter one - the renegades

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'Oi!' Maisie yelled, as she tripped down the stairs. Lila snickered, 'Oh you tender little bitch just pick yourself up!' She teased, dropping her bags before their dorm door. The brunette lifted herself up, scowling at her best friend. 'My Fanta probably shook too much and is going to explode all over our dorm you idiot!'

Lila laughed, and stumbled inside the large dorm room. She chucked her rucksack onto her bed and opened the balcony doors. She breathed in the hot Balearic air, staring out at the calm sea. She was staying in the best boarding school on the nicest island, ever. Luckily their room was at the front of the school, so they had a perfect view of the bay.

'Ugh I fucking love living out here, away from my family' Maisie sighed, stepping out onto the tiled balcony. Vines trailed the railings on the edge, it was gorgeous. Lila couldn't imagine a better life, her friends and her were basically what you would call 'the cool kids' of their school. Of course no one actually never called them that, no respectable person would use that phrase. They owned a boat, well- Seymour and Terence had one, but the entire group used it when they wanted to escape school.

The renegades is what people called them, they weren't sure why, but they liked it. Their group consisted of eight people, Lila, Maisie, Alethia, Ria, Terence, Seymour, Carlos and Markus. Lila, Maisie, Alethia and Ria were all from England, they joined at the same time and instantly clicked. Terence and Seymour, the Anderson twins. They were also from England, but they also had a bit of french in them. They were rich rich kids. Like RICH rich. Finally, Carlos and Markus were two Spanish boys who moved from Madrid to Mallorca, Carlos was one of the most gorgeous boys anyone had ever seen. AND he was bilingual. Alethia once said that being bilingual makes you sexy, ever since then, everyone understood why Carlos was so sexy. Ria described him as a dark, brooding jungle cat in year nine, when he first transferred to WestView. Markus was just as gorgeous, but in a more cute way, like a Labrador puppy. Him and Carlos looked quite similar, however Markus' father was half American, so he has a lighter shade of skin, rather than Carlos' glowing tan skin.

'I can't believe school breaks up early this year because it's gonna get so hot durning during June!' Maisie exclaimed, unscrewing the lid of her Fanta, a small hiss exited out of the bottle. Lila turned to her, 'I know, it's happened before at other schools but it's really weird to be breaking up so soon, we have like two weeks left'

Maisie guzzled down about a third of her drink, before smacking her lips and sighing. 'Also, Alethias birthday is just around the corner' she stated, 'what day do we break up again?'

Lila tapped her chin in thought, 'Uhhmmm... 29th I think?' She responded, walking inside the room. Maisie scoffed, 'if we were in England we would be on half term' she snickered, following Lila.

Lila flopped down onto her bed, 'But that also means leaving here and going back to England' she frowned. Maisie grimaced, 'ew! Don't mention that place in this Haven!' She exclaimed sarcastically.

'It's so weird how we want to actually stay at school to be honest' Lila said, picking her hairbrush up. Maisie nodded. She began to comb at her hair, which was actually straight (for once). Usually all of the renegades had wavy beach hair, after spending majority of their free time down at the little beach that nobody ever went to.

That's where their boat was, they tucked in inside of an air pocket that had too many roots, and vines over hanging it for it to be seen. On weekends, everyone would be allowed to go out into Palma to shop, but no where else. The renegades always snuck off to the beach. They only got caught once, and were punished with the stupidest punishment ever. Beach cleaning, with ZERO supervision. So obviously, they did the beach cleaning and then hopped onto their boat and just sailed until sunset. Luckily nobody noticed.

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