chapter two - endings and beginnings

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TW- homophobia

'Okay okay, but if you had to smash any one of us, who would it be' Seymour asked the girls. 'You' Maisie instantly replied with, obviously joking. Seymour winked playfully and laughed. Lila pondered, 'Hmm, probably Terence' upon hearing that, Terence cheered, 'I'm smashable!'

Ria snapped her fingers, 'Me! I'd smash myself!' She declared.

'You can't do that' Markus replied.

'I can'

'No you have to choose one of us'


'I meant one of us, us being the boys'


'Just say it, you'd smash Carlos'

'Who says I haven't'


'Woah indeed'

'Did you actually-'

'No! You idiot' Ria exclaimed, 'oh' Markus sighed. All eyes were on Alethia now, she grimaced 'I don't really know... maybe... uh... i dunno! I don't really want to screw any of you'

'Yeah but if you had to' Terence said, through a mouthful of crisps. 'Ugh! Say it don't spray it!' Lila yelled, flicking wet crumbs off of her arms.

Terence stuck his tongue out at her, Lila mimicked his movement. 'She said she doesn't want to decide so she doesn't have to!' Maisie exclaimed, fiddling with her hair.

Markus scoffed and rolled his eyes, Oh of course you're angry she won't answer, you basically drool when you breath the same air as her-' Ria laughed. Markus' hazel eyes widened, 'excuse me' he questioned.

Ria nodded, 'You heard me you Hispanic attack' she cackled, 'See what I did there' a hiccup exited her mouth. 'Okay that's quite enough' Seymour stated, snatching the can of cider off of her and setting it down. Ria wined, 'nooo!'

'Yesss! You're gonna end up being sick everywhere and I'm sure the teachers would suspect something' Lila responded, wringing out her shorts yu over the side of the boat. She looked up to the sky, a dark canvas peppered with metallic specks of white paint.

'We should probably head back, it's nearly two in the morning' Carlos stated, heading over to the wheel drunkenly. Markus tugged on his arm, 'Fuck no, you're hammered, the least drunk person is driving' everyone turned to Maisie.

'Hey! I only drunk less because I knew that the only other good drivers would get overly drunk! I did you all a favour' Maisie snapped her fingers and stood up, Carlos slumped down onto the deck and flopped his head onto Rias shoulder. 'Ugh! Your breath stinks!' She wined

Carlos snickered and blew air at her, Ria gagged. 'Eugh! You drunkard!' She shoved him off and shuffled over to Alethia. Maisie cranked up the speed a notch and headed back towards the dark silhouette that was the bay.

Lila clambered up and stretched out her arms, 'IM SUPER DRUNK AND NOBODY CAN TELLL' she yelled into the wind. Markus snorted, 'Shh! Lila you need to stay quiet!' he protested, dragging her back down to the deck.

Ria flopped down, her head hitting the deck hard. 'owww!' she spoke through slurred speech. Maisie laughed, 'Almost there brochachos!'

'stop quoting Argyle from stranger things!' Markus yelled back, 'NEVER' maisie replied with.


The next morning, the girls woke up to a loud knocking, causing each of them to groan. 'GIRLS' Mrs Weston bellowed, her voice emanating from the door. Alethia sat up straight, her hair disheveled. 'Girls! It is nearly period three! Get up and out of bed!'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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