The emptiness

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He felt strangely empty. Not the kind of empty when you haven't eaten in a while without realising or even the emptiness after finishing the great show you watched. Empty just empty as he breathed in the cold smoke from his cigarette. He felt empty everyday without realising it, until today. What a sad human being you must be to not even realise you  aren't feeling anymore he thought. A smirk formed across his lips as he thought about it. All the people who pretend to care about him did not notice but how could he blame them? He was the greatest fool of all. Not even the nicotine could satisfy the emptiness. Cigarette after cigarette. His hand grew cold still he could not bring himself to care. It was not that he did not want to care, he tried, he really did. But something in his brain objected. He watched people all the time, laughing and loving. He tried to imagine what it might feel like, warm maybe? But imaging to warm is just half as satisfying when you are constantly reminded of your cold reality. The train arrived and he entered it. He grab onto a handle as the train left the station. In every curve he was pushed into another person who was chatting with someone. He was so tired of feeling empty that he just let it happen. Maybe he deserved to feel empty because he did not fight against it, he just let the emptiness consume him. This hungry beast, he thought.

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