☔In The Rain☔

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Iwaizumi's pov

I woke up from the buzzing of my phone. I lazily opened my eyes and reached out for my phone. It was my girlfriend texting me.


Iwaizumi's gf:
Hey babe, wanna go shopping😘

Yeah sure, but I'm not paying for you.

Iwaizumi's gf:
Why not baby, I'll give you a reward😉😉

Because I always pay for you and then you never pay me back.


Like always, she just ghosted me and expect me to just meet her at the mall. I just wish it was like it was when we met. Oh back then she was so pretty and shy, always getting good grades and staring at me in class. But now she's just not the same anymore, I mean, she smokes and steals, she's workless and expects me to pay everything for her. I get up from my rather comfy bed and look out the window for a second, it's sunny. I walk to my closet and pull out a shirt and some normal jeans. I got dressed in that and went downstairs to make myself a nice breakfast, not like my girlfriend would do that anyway.

After I silently ate my breakfast, I grabbed my car keys and walked outside, it's still sunny. I get in my car and drive away. While driving I listened to 'another love' I am kinda obsessed with this song, but that's fine anyway. I finally get to my destination, the mall.

I walk away from my parked car and walked towards me and my girlfriends meet up spot. It was underneath a beautiful cherry blossom tree, well, used to be beautiful. Through the years the cherry blossem tree started dying. I sat on the bench next to it and just listened to some music, I knew it was gonna take a long time before my girlfriend gets here. Suddenly I felt a waterdrop on my head, and another, and another. Shit, I thought, I didn't check the weather, now I'm gonna get wet.

While I was still cursing in my head, I saw a figure walk up to me, as it got closer I could see that it was a man, a rather handsome man holding an umbrella.

-No one's pov-

At that exact moment, both Iwaizumi and the stranger felt a little sting on their wrists, right were their marks were. They both didn't even notice it.

-Iwaizumi's pov-

"Hello sir, are you just going to stand there in the rain? That's really not good for your health. I assume your waiting for someone." The handsome boy spoke. I tried to say something, but my voice just stopped working all of a sudden."My father owns a cafe nearby, would you like to go wait there, instead of waiting in the rain?" suddenly I got my voice back."Uh yeah sure, please lead me the way." I said and he chuckled softly."Im Oikawa tooru, what's your name?" Oh God his voice, I could hear that voice all day long! And his name suits him really well. And his smile. Wait no Hajime you have a girlfriend!"My names Iwaizumi Hajime." I said after snapping back to reality. While we were talking, Oikawa led us to a small building, I suppose his father's cafe."Please come in and make yourself comfortable. My shift is almost starting!" He said with a warm smile."You work here?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'll come and take your order in a minute!" He said and winked at me. He winked at me!? Why do I feel so hot, is my face red? I pushed all the thoughts out my head and looked for a spot to sit.

After a few minutes Oikawa came back to take my order. He was wearing a white shirt and black jeans. Over that he wore an apron with the cafes logo on front."Could I get you anything while your waiting?" He asked me."Oh yeah, could I get a caramel Frappuccino with a piece of apple pie?" I said, looking at the menu. "Yes of course you can, it'll be here in a minute." he said and walked away. Suddenly I didn't feel like meeting up with my girlfriend anymore, I just wanted to stay here, with Oikawa. But she'll definetly get mad at me if I cancel now. I looked at my text just to realise my girlfriend has texted me. I read the text. And of course, she canceled the plans, she also always does these kind of things it always annoys me so much. But, on the bright side, now I can stay with Oikawa.

Talking about oikawa, there he came with my order!"Sorry it took a little long! The machine broke down so I had to make it myself." He said embarrassed."Oh its fine, I have a question, why are there no other people here?" I asked. "Oh my dad scares them all away." He said. I patted the spot next to me and he sat down with no hesantation. We just talked about our lives and dreams. At some point I got enough confidence to ask his phonenumber and we exchanged them. We told each other silly jokes and laughed about them. We didn't notice time was going by so fast. At some point it was already 7 pm."Oh God, its already 7 pm, sorry for taking up your time!" he said."Oh don't worry, it's fine! Uhm, wanna get dinner with me?" I asked nervously, completely forgetting about my gf."Ah yeah why not. Ohh, let's make it a sleepover! If that's fine with you ofcourse!" My heart practically melted because of the boy infront of me, he just was so pure."Yeah, sleepover sounds fun!" I said. We discussed were we wanted to eat and left the Cafe.

Hey guys, welcome to my new book!! I hope you enjoy. I have some plans for this one!!

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