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Eggs? Is that what I'm smelling? No wait..Yes..but, BACON!

Suddenly you were standing upright beside your bed  throwing on your black silk robe that your brother had gotten you as an early birthday present because your birthday was soon coming up.

Your families apartment was not small but it also wasn't as big as a usual living space. It had three bedrooms and a connected living room and kitchen. It was cozy. It was home. That's all that matters.

" Look who decided to get up!" Mum exclaimed running up to her daughter and squishing her cheeks together. "You look so grown up."

"Muumm! Just because it's mine and Tata's first day of UA doesn't mean I'm not a baby still.." You huffed. You didn't want to grow up you wanted to stay this age forever, when you have the free will to do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted.

"Alright, whatever, just go wake up your brother will you? He's worse than you at sleeping in."

" Alrighty, and also I'm not that bad thank you very much!" You replied in a playful manner. Not even bothering to knock, you swing open Hanta's bedroom door with a loud clash and jumped onto his bed, and unfortunately for him, landing right ontop of the soon to be tape-hero. 

"Wakey wakey! Moms making us a special breakfast!"

"Fuck off..." was all it seemed he could mumble out.

"Shes making eggs.."

 No response.

 "Theres bacon t-" you couldn't finish your sentance beacause, just like you had, the male was fully awake now standing. You unfortunately had been shoved to the ground from the sudden movement. Not even looking back to see if you were alright Hanta marched out the room to go retrieve his breakfast.


" Ugly... mom you can't tell me that's not fucking ugly!"

"Okay... 1) language! 2) I cant really disagree with you there hun. " You were pacing back and forward in your room your top half of your uniform fully on. Well exept your tie, you'd have to wait for Hanta to do that for you. But your bottom half of it, well, thats in Yua Sero's hands. A dark green skirt with black knee high socks. You felt you could get away with the socks, but the skirt, who ever made this monstrosity should rot in HELL.

"What is she making a fuss 'bout now?" Hanta had now walked in your room, wanting to see what all the fuss was about.

"BRO, Get outtt!" As stated earlier the only thing covering your bottom half was your underwear.

"Oh piss off, we used to take baths together, and then you were FULLY naked." 


"To answer your question Hanta, we don't like y/n's skirt. It's fucking ugly." Yua decided to butt in.

"Why don't you just wear your black frilly one, that one's nice and would look good with some fishnets under you stockings." He solved your problem with only a few suggestions and a shrug. To be honest, Hanta was good when it came to clothing. He always knew what style would look good on someone, no matter who they are, y/n was sure he could fix up something for them.

" ata! Your a fucking genius!" 

"Watch your language, mi hermana pequeña" He didn't like it when people cursed. But he let their mothers get away with it, why can't he let her slide too?



You were nervous. 

Actually that's an understatement. You you freaking 'shitting your pants terrified'. "Hey, you'll be fine don't worry." Of course you knew you were fine and your hermano knew that too, he just wanted to help. But your social anxiety aways came to bite you in the ass.

"Be sure to be safe, mis hermosos hijos." Your mum said happy, but also worried. Mum was Spanish. Both her parents were full espanol, but they moved to Japan just before she was born and named her after one of the most beautiful blossoms of the country. 

"Don't worry I'll take good care of  us both, te amo!" Hanta knew more Spanish than you. Once he went full Hispanic on you, you broke his tape dispenser. But really, why did he have one in the first place, HE IS ONE? You knew when he was mad, and usually when he was he would alternate quickly between Spanish and Japanese. It was odd, in your opinion. 




♡Thanks for reading, comment any suggestions you may have for the story! Even though I doubt there will be any :[ ♡

~River Sche

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