8 | escapism

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Getting high with Ben the second time was far better then the first. I hadn't expected a killer ghost to be so human. He made me almost forget about my situation entirely, like nothing mattered at all. Ben was also so kind enough as to give me a red heart necklace, that kept Slender's magic away from my being. Apparently to keep the proxies in check he had put a neutral emotion spell on the mansion. It only affected humans, which Ben made sure to make clear. I was currently laying on his bedroom floor, soaking in the texture of the carpet. Ben laid on the bed beside me, handing me the joint. I inhaled it deeply, allowing the fire to spread wildly through my throat. "So, after Scarlett decided to practically sacrifice herself, she was magically saved by Jeff AND EJ?" I asked him. Ben nodded. He was in the middle of telling me many stories about the adventures him and his friends had went on. How they defeated Jane, how Milani and Jeff killed Liu, etc. "Oh and another time, this lady fucked up our pizza order so Jeff went in there and she literally hit him with a frying pan!" Ben laughed. I giggled, imagining how dramatic the entire series of events must've been. I handed him back the joint, and he laid his head back on the bed to hit it.

"You have so many exciting stories. I wanna be able to tell stories like that one day," I admitted. We both were looking up at the ceiling, my vision starting to create illusions of figures on them. "Stick with me and something is bound to happen. Especially with all the shit going on right now," Ben said. He handed me back the joint, which I took graciously. "Something besides me ruining my life?" I say. I hit the joint, pressing the end to my lips gently. "No i'm talking about he who should not be named," Ben replied. I giggled, the smoke exhaling through my mouth unintentionally. "What is this? Harry Potter? Cmon spit it out," I urged. My curiosity was itching at me, causing me to force myself to sit up. I felt a little woozy, colorful static dancing in front of my eyes.

"There's this being called Zalgo. He takes many forms, depending on who he's talking to. He's been on a mission to destroy creepypastas for a while. There are hunters and stuff but he's far more powerful then them," Ben said. I listened intently, hitting the joint repeatedly. "He fell off of the face of the Earth for a while, but a couple of years ago Milani ran into a demon of his he created. It was extremely powerful to say the very least, knocked Milani on her ass," Ben said carelessly. He then turned his head to me, eyes wide. "Don't tell her I said that though," He said. I giggled and nodded, passing him the joint. "Anyways, the proxies have been trying to hunt him down for years. That's actually why EJ and Milani are coming here soon. They need to touch base about what they know," He explained. I raised my eyebrows curiously. "Have they never heard of a phone call?" I asked. Ben looked up back at the ceiling, shrugging.

"Keep in mind we're all family whether we like it or not. Good to have a reunion every once in a while," Ben said. My eyes wondered his room, soaking in its contents greatly. Eventually they landed on a small remote, with several colors across it. I picked it up, and began clicking the buttons. The led light strips began changing colors, the sight borderline euphoric. I stood up, clicking more of the buttons. Eventually they began to all fade into one another, changing colors without me pressing anything. I looked over at Ben, who was watching me curiously. "Cmere I wanna dance!" I giggled. I grabbed his arm, pulling him up. He put the end of the joint out on the end of his bed railing, before willingly joining me in the center of his room. "I'm not dancing to silence shorty, here put something on," Ben said, gesturing to his computer.

I didn't know much about dancing music, other then a few songs my father had put on when I was young. They were songs my mother and him had danced to when had first gotten together. I typed in me gustas tú, clicking on the first youtube video that had popped up. The sound of the smoothing guitar allowed me to sway my hips gently. "You speak Spanish?" Ben asked me. I grabbed his hand, leading him to dance with me. "My mom was hispanic silly," I say. Me gustan los aviones, me gustas tú. Me gusta viajar, me gustas tú. Ben looked completely lost, and I smiled at him happily. He was like a lost puppy, his confused face completely adorable. I smiled sheepishly, letting the highness melt away any embarrassment I could've felt from dancing so freely. "She show you this song?" He asked me. Ben was the awkward one now, I could tell he felt out of his element.

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