1. the hospital

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You ran over the road. "Y/N!" Izuku yelld, "come back!" "NO!"you giggled "Y/N!" more didn't you hear. everything went black  'what happent?'  you thought. The next thing you heard was siren, then it went silent again.. when you woke up you was in the hospital, "your awake" the doktor said "where's Izuku?" "do you mean that green haird boy? if so then he is in the waiting room"she asked me "yes, thank you" "no problom" then she walked out.

 When she came back Izuku was following her. "I'm going to let you two be alone for a bit"she said "are you okay?" "I don't know" you answered "how do you not know?" "don't ask me, ask the ting that hit me" " the car?"Izuku asked " WAS THAT A CAR!?" "yes" "how!?" "it hit you in a bad spot"he explained  "what?" "I know you heard me" "soo..." " yeah.." it went silent.

me: "you broke your right arm and left leg you also hit your head pretty bad"

"Alright  you can come home tomorrow if you fell fresh enouth" it was the doktor that broke the silents "why can't I go back to the school?" you asked"becouse your parent's have to know your okay" "what if I don't have any parents what then?" "do you live alone?" now the doktor was getting curies "no, I live at my school" "is it true?" she ask izuku. he noted. "is your parents dead?" the doktor asked you" I don't know, I have never met them" "do you have someone that fell like a parent to you?" she asked " yes my two teachers" "what are they're names?" "Shota Aizawa, and Hizashi Yamada" you replayed "do you have one of they're nummbers?" "nope" "I have" izuku said "can you call one?" "sure" then he walk out of the room.

 5 minuttes leter he came in "Aizawa-sensai want's to talk to you" he said and give the phone to you "hola~" you said "hello, how are you?" "i'm fine I just got ran over by a car:)" "ok good to hea- wait what?!" "didn't izuku tell you?"you said while looking at Izuku "no" "ok now you know". 

      the next day

Mr. Aizawa picked you up at the hospital, and drove you back to the school on the way you told him the whole story "Izuku and I was playing a game and then because he won in that game I ran out of the house and he ran after me and then it became tag then i ran over the road whitout checing for any cars stupid i know-"  "what game did you two play?" "a drinking game but I'll get to that later" "how did you lose?" "the one who drinks the most loses, and because i'm shit at thouse games i lost and ran away childish i know" "did you use alkohol?"then before you could say more we was at the school izuku was waiting infront of the school when saw you he ran over to hug you "welcome home" he said "thanks" you replyed.

to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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