7 - Oh dear

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I sighed and just opened the door and i was shocked and afraid..

I saw a...

I was afraid, scared. I didnt know what to do i Just stood there Like a deer got caught in the headlights. They're was blood all over amelia's room and everything is scattered around her room aswell!

I didnt know if i was going insane or not. I think i am but i technically dont know

I got out the room faster then my mothers dumbass... I sprinted down the stairs and yelled.

"AMELIA, CALL 911!!!", "What, why!?".
She responded back


"Stop joking around, Y/N",

"I am not joking around!!!"

"Fine, if it makes you feel better, should i come up with you to my room?",

"Yes please..."


Break time!:3

Me and amelia were heading up the stairs right now.

I was on beyond terrified,

I didnt know if i should turn around and leave her house or....

Y/N Stop being a baby and deal with it!

Stop being a scaredy cat...

What would your mother say?~

That you're SCARED!!!

I stopped thinking about all the negative thoughts and just gone with it.

We arrived at Amelia's bedroom where we saw.

Absolute nothing...

Everything was neat and not bloody or messy.

I think i've gone insane?

Or am i wrong...?



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Tiny break!~


Amelia jones

I looked at Y/n as if she has gone insane! First of all i dropped the Popcorn, and now she tells me 'there is blood in my room' whatsoever...

Ridiculous utterly ridiculous!

I stared at her for like i dont know, 3 minutes!? I kept on staring at her. Dissapointed in her...


I saw Amelia walk Out the bedroom with a dissapointed face.

10 minutes ago i saw this same exact bedroom filled with blood and messy clothes everywhere.


I didnt know what to do




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Hope you enjoyed today's Chapter! Im sorry if i havent posted in a very long time. Im just stressed with school and stuff. I also got my testimony Back today!

I'll see you guys next chapter! This is valentina signing out.

Bye my outcasts!<3


~ Valentinaღ

{376 words}

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