lvii. elephant in the room

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     AMELIE NEVER HAD TROUBLE SLEEPING. If anything, she always slept great. In the comfort of her own bed, with a hot drink before and some scented candles. She almost never had nightmares, she almost never woke up in the middle of the night.

     So, why was tonight different?

     After hours and hours of tossing and turning and scrolling on her phone, it was about three in the morning before she could finally close her eyes and get some rest. And even then, she wasn't fully relaxed and peaceful.

     "Remember I'll always love you..."

     A sweet familiar voice filled her dream. For a second, she was in a car. Another, she was in a dark blue room. Another, she was in her old room, the shadow of someone else sleeping next to her. She could feel the comfort radiating off him. She tried to so hard to reach for him and flip him to face her, to see his face and when she did, she screamed. He had no features, almost like a memory drowned so deep she couldn't recognize anything.

     Another second, she and this person were in her old kitchen. She had one arm around his shoulders and the other clasping his own, as he twirled her around to some music. She still couldn't see his face.

     Just as she was about to catch a glimpse of him, a scream pierced her ears and her vision blurred.  Not Lydia's scream, not even Karly's scream, but one she hadn't heard in so long. She couldn't remember. She couldn't remember anything.

     She hadn't realized she was screaming too until she woke up. Thankfully, she was alone. Chris was back with the Calaveras and only she resided in the apartment now.

     "Remember I'll always love you," she whispered to herself as she clasped a hand around her throat.

     The next day, when she walked into school, she thought everything was fine. She walked through the hallways to reach her locker, which used to be next to Isaac's but now was empty. She smiled at Corey and Mason who waved at her but her eyes lingered on one of the lockers. 1075. She didn't know why, but something about that locker set her off. She raked her brain, trying to find anything to do with that locker, but she came out empty. It was just another empty memory.

     When she walked again, she hadn't realized she bumped into someone, knocking her own and that person's books onto the floor.

     "I'm sorry!" She stammered, kneeling down with the boy to gather her stuff, "I wasn't concentrating—"

     "It's no problem," The boy said with a smile, making her look up at him. She gaped. He must've been new because she'd never seen him before. She would've noticed the striking blue eyes and long blond hair. They were pretty hard to miss.

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