Part 17

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Junkyu and haruto come back to Seoul , first haruto going to jaehyuk house by junkyu telling him , yes they going to jaehyuk house to tell about their weeding

" really?? " asahi said too shocked

" yes " haruto answer

" congratulations " jaehyuk said with smile

" well , we also have something to tell two of you " jaehyuk continued

" what is it " junkyu ask
" about our wedding " jaehyuk said

" ohh congratulations " junkyu said

" today you guys is here then have dinner together " asahi said

" ok hyung " haruto said

at night

" ruto , junkyu hyung sleep here , it's late now " asahi said

" umm ok " junkyu said

" I will let them prepare the for you two , just only one room " asahi said with smirk

On weeding day

Jaehyuk and asahi day

haruto and junkyu not yet married he let jaesahi first

Asahi sitting in front of the mirror looking at himself, then someone open the door , junkyu is the one open the door

" asahi it's time, let's go" junkyu said while walk in

" but hyung I afraid " asahi said holding junkyu hands

" it's okay let's go " junkyu said and comfort asahi

" c'mon " junkyu said again, asahi just stand up and walked out with junkyu

The customer are coming a lot , Jaehyuk smiling from eyes to eyes , yes , Hamada's family also come

Jaehyuk saw asahi in his suit was so pretty in his eyes , asahi just smirked and look at jaehyuk

" jaehyuk hahh , control yourself " jaehyuk thought to him self

Asahi walke towards jaehyuk with junkyu and ruto ,
Yoshi and mashiho, they also come that made asahi and ruto more happy , yes , these four Japan member love each other like brothers

" ehh Yoshi hah , we miss you " asahi said hugging Yoshi

" how about me " mashiho said

" you also miss miss so much " asahi said open his arm for mashiho hugging

" ehh both of you , keep your distance a bit hah" jaehyuk said which made asahi a bit chuckle and blushing so hard

Theirs parents busy with the customer at the hall , yes asahi parents they don't mind a bout asahi love is boy or girl , they support asahi so much

This is part 17
The next is the end part
Enjoy your reading

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