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Warning: there are smut scenes on this chapter.
Laia Makena
Andrea holds my hand guiding me to an isolated booth with an open view of the river bridge. This place looks fancy and historical with pictures on the walls and well crafted seats and tables. "Do you like it,"she asks leaning on the table. "I love it,"i say genuinely smiling at her. She seemed nervous but she relaxed after hearing my words.

I really liked this place. After a while a waitress walks over to us asking for our orders she focusing on Andrea the whole time. She doesn't notice because she's looking over the menu. "What will you have Amore Mio?" She asks smirking ignoring the waitress and I'm a blushing mess even if it's just pretend so the waitress can take a hint. "Umm ...the bistecca alla fiorentina," (grilled steak)i say making sure I'm pronouncing it right and she gives our orders together with the drinks in Italian and i can't help but admire her as she talks sternly.

"Do you do this with other girls?"i ask without thinking and i immediately want to take it back. "Actually i don't you're the first,"she says and i search her eyes for any sign of dishonesty but she's expressionless. "I've never done this before. It's all new to me,"she says fiddling with her fingers. I place my hand over them to calm her down, "you're doing great,"i say smiling.

"I saw a scar on your thigh by mistake. How'd you get it if umm you don't mind me asking?"she asks nervously. "I don't want to talk about it,"i say bluntly. I want to tell her but i can't make a mistake of trusting her yet.

"Tell me Abit about yourself,"i say changing the topic. "Well I'm a second child of three now two. My little sister died a few years ago. I love photography and music from time to time,"she says selectively and i appreciate her telling me. I feel like an ass for judging her too quickly. "I'm sorry about your sister,"i say genuinely.

"It's okay really, i go to the gallery to keep her memories alive so," she says holding back tears and i feel the urge to hug her but squeeze her hands instead since I'm on the opposite side of the table. "Thank you for letting me in Andrea. I'm sorry i judged you too quickly,"i say. She chuckles and I'm confused because i was being serious. "It's okay sweet cheeks, you were right to,"she says bluntly and i can't tell if she's being honest.

After eating and managing to steal a few bites from her plate making her mad, she insisted on taking me somewhere else before dropping me off. She stops on the side of the road leading me to the edge of the car where she effortlessly pics me up to sit on it while she's leaning on it herself. I look infront of me to see the most breathtaking view of Florence city with city lights everywhere.

I shiver at the breeze and she hugs me from the side trying to warm me up. Wanting more warmth i snuggle up to her and chuckles. "Greedy much,"she says jokingly gesturing me to get in the car. She turns the car to face the city and we sit in silence enjoying it. "Thank you for today,"i say turning to face her but she's already looking at me. She leans in slowly looking at my lips then my eyes. I close the distance between us crushing my lips on her soft plump ones.

She cups my face gently deepening the kiss. She licks my lips for entrance and i let her. We fight for dominance with our tongues but she wins. I break the kiss gasping for air after a while still tingling from how good that kiss was. I felt wetness between my legs from just kissing her. I frown when we stop at my place realizing that i don't want this night to end. "Do you want to come up?" I ask knowing how bad of a decision this is but i don't care. I want her now.

I close the door behind me once we're in the apartment and my back crushes onto it with Andrea towering over me connecting our lips harshly before disconnecting them to focus on my bare neck. "I've wanted to do this for so long," she says sucking on my neck till she finds my weak spot making a small moan escape my lips.

That's all it takes for her to lift me up walking to where my room is all the while our lips are still connected. I land on the bed with her on top of me kissing me hungrily and i return the kiss the same way. "Consent tesoro?"i giggle but realize she's serious and i nod impatiently. "Words baby," she says dominantly and it turns me on even more. "Yes," i say simply sitting up so she can unzip my dress throwing it somewhere.

Her eyes grow darker and i realize i was in nothing but my underwear. She connected our lips against before leaving a trail of kisses on my neck Down to my breasts taking one in her mouth. She swirls her tongue on my hard nipple making me hum and a moan escapes my lips when she grazes it with her teeth. She does the same with the other one lowering one hand to my core. She teases me intentionally making me wimper.

"Please Andrea,"i say impatiently.

"Please what?" She asks. "Please fuck me," i say trying to guide her hand but she's strong. "Not just yet amore mio," she says leaving a trail of kisses on my stomach and moves to my inner thighs before positioning herself between my legs. She moves my panties to the side and a cold breeze hits my open core. She kisses my folds making me impatient again but she starts licking my clit before i can say anything and i let out a loud moan.

She licks faster and sucks on it and i can feel myself nearing my orgasm. "Yes Andrea,"i say muffling my moans My walls tighten and i moan loudly as i come down from my orgasm but she doesn't stop despite me trying to push her head away and i feel another orgasm building up. "I'm coming," i say and she licks me clean before coming up to kiss me.

I notice that she's fully undressed now and i can't help but touch her exposed breast but she holds both my hands above my head with one hand and lowers the other one to my throbbing area rubbing gently on my clit. "consent?" She asks and i nod earning a slap on my clit. "words baby or there'll be punishment,"she says seriously."yes,"i say biting my lower lip as she thrusts two digits in me slowly.

She's smirking at my attempt to squirm to fasten her pace. "Tell me what you want tesoro,"she whispered seductively in my ear. "I want you to fuck me faster,"i say surprised at my own boldness. She connects our lips before quickening her pace and i can't hold my moans in any longer. "Yes Andrea,Just Like that,"i say feeling my walks tighten around her fingers and she brings them up to her mouth licking them clean. "you're so fucking delicious,"she says kissing my forehead. She covers our naked bodies and cuddles me to sleep.

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