Part 19* Girls just wanna have fun 🤷‍♀️

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Today was the day before I go to La to euphoria. I needed just a day alone with my girls.

We started off sipping latte's and shoving little cakes and biscuits into each others mouths. The pastry crumbs falling into our laps making us fall into a fit of laughter. Trying each others drinks experiencing a range of spicy, sweet, bitter and sour hitting our tongs. 

Browsing around shops joking wether we should get a knitted jumper with pink and green stripes. Trying on different sunglasses and silly hats pulling faces in the mirror as workers start to tell us "buy it or don't touch it at all". 

Going into the changing rooms, trying on outfits that we've picked out for each other and strutting down the empty changing rooms as if it's a fashion show. Putting together stupid outfits paring dresses with jeans and workers wondering why there's so much giggling going on. 

Trying new foods and burning our mouths on the different hot sauces. Picking out food for one another and exploring around the food courts ordering tons of different foods, developing our taste buds . Spilling food on our jeans and laughing about the fact that the stain won't come out. Screaming at the brain freeze from the cold drinks and holding our head in pain.

Squashing ourselves into the little photos booth , sitting on each others laps whilst bursting into FITS of laughter. Arguing about who's paying but then giggling about it the next second. Posing, kissing each other on the cheeks, making hearts with our hands, putting sunglasses on, laughing, trying to me models. Laughing our head off when we see what comes out when its printed.

Ordering tons of snacks from the cinema and filling our cups up to the brim with tango ice blast. Running around the empty cinema with no one in expect for us and changing seats every second. Throwing popcorn into each others mouth's and eating nachos covered in hot cheese. Coming out of the cinema with aching stomach's bending down in pain.

Driving home and blasting music whilst singing our hearts out. Taking photos, looking through what we bought, making tiktoks and checking our social media. Sipping our slushies whilst feeling the warm breeze from the window. Picking up takeout on the way back and ordering nearly the whole menu. 

Trying to figure out who ordered which food and writing it down on paper. Covering our food in sauces and saying "let me have some" or "anyone want this it tastes of dog shit". Posting "fat" on our story's with a picture of all our food. Winning that we should of got pizza but then realising Chinese food is so much better than pizza. Cleaning up all the dishes and getting bubbles everywhere, spilling water everywhere. 

Saying our last goodbyes. Shedding a few tears, hugs, photos, big long conversations. I knew that I'd miss them. Now I wont see them for 7 months. 

But like I said girls just wanna have fun. Right?

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