A Hopple Popple..?

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As König's heart rate increased I let go of him and said

"Are you okay? Your heart is beating fast and your face looks really red. Do you need to go to the doctor?"

"Yes- I mean uh No!"

König said while fidgeting a lot.. I pat his veil covered head and said while smiling

"It's alright. I was just messing with you."

He was a flustered mess by the time I got up and finished getting dressed. I didn't want to be walking out in the hall on base with little to nothing on, as I walked out of my room someone was actually behind the door so when I opened it all the way I smacked him with the door and I heard a low grunt and I moved from the door way and closed the door and to my surprise it was Soap.

"What do you want?"

"I came here to apologize but seems like you're buddy buddy with Bigfoot."

"What the fuck do you mean 'Bigfoot' just because he's taller than you by a couple inches doesn't mean you have a right to be a jackass."

"Whatever, regardless from all the creaking the bed sure did make, it sounded awfully different."

"What do you mean?"

"The bed wouldn't stop groaning last night, were you and him..-"

"No! Absolutely not. Why would I even do that with a teammate?! For christs sake John you're unbearable, you think just because he put me into one of his shirts because he thought I wouldn't want my uniform to get wrinkled is him and I fucking? What the absolute fuck."

"He put you int- Whatever."

He walked off and I didn't even say shit to him when I walked out of the hall and into the dining room where him and Ghost were telling jokes to each other.

"There's 2 goldfish in a tank."

"Go on."

"One of them turn to the other and says 'you know how to drive this thing?'. Little bit of army humor."

"Very little."

I was about to cook some bacon and eggs when König came up behind me, pushed me aside lightly and said

"I'll handle the cooking."

I smiled and said

"Thank you."

"Wow so your boyfriend is a master chef suddenly?"

I turn around knowing soap said it but it was actually Ghost? I said


"You heard me. He's suddenly a bloody master chef? If anything you should let me cook."

Ghost had said, I stared at him for what felt like hours, staring daggers into his dark brown eyes, like the dirt you dig up from deep underground, until König broke the silence with

"Fruhstuck ist fertig." (Breakfast is ready.)

I go and take a seat at the table as Price and Gaz walk into the room also taking a seat at the table. König came out of the kitchen with a-

"Hopple Popple. It's a type of breakfast casserole I ate while I was in Germany."

König said.

"Looks like a pizza. Doesn't it Johnny?" Ghost replied jokingly

"Yeah it does." Soap said quietly

"Regardless I'll still eat it." Price said while sighing

"Well of course you'd still eat it price, you don't care." Ghost said with an annoyed tone

"Plus how would you eat with your mask on?" Soap said jokingly

"Bloody hell Johnny shut up." Ghost grunted

"Regardless I think it's good." Gaz blurted out while stuffing his face full of the casserole

"Thank you, you guys.." König said sheepishly

"Lord, you guys are annoying just eat your breakfast." I said while finishing eating.

König looked at me happily and warmly while managing to put the fork under his veil to eat, unlike ghost whose stare was always cold and menacing. Sitting there not eating since his mask prevent him from doing so. As König finished eating I picked up my plate and he handed his to me and I walked over to the sink and washed them and dried them off, we didn't have paper plates nor plastic silverware so everything had to be washed.

I walked over into the living room and looked around in the movies that were there, they were mostly in German so I couldn't read them, however König came up behind me and said "Oh! Willy Wonka und die Schokoladenfabrik! Mein lieblingsfilm als kind."

(Oh! Willy wonka and the chocolate factory! My favorite movie as a kid)

"Hm?" I replied

"Willy wonka and the chocolate factory! It was my favorite movie as a kid." König said

"Ahh, that makes sense!" I replied

I put the movie in and I saw his eyes light up with joy.


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