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I stood there in complete shock, Minho who bullied me for 5 years wants me to forgive him? I stared at him not knowing any type of answer. He confuses me more than anything, he confused me the most.

"You're drunk, you should be going home.." I said grabbing the dirty shot glasses off the bar. Minho grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug making me drop the shot glasses and breaking them. "M-Minho.." I felt scared but his hugs were warm. "Felix I don't want you to love anyone else, when seeing you with your boyfriend tonight I felt nothing but jealousy because ever since 8th grade I caught feelings for you but wanted to continue to bully you to fix the feelings but my feelings for you won't change" he was till crying and holding onto me.

"I realized in the 8th grade that I'm interested in guys, but you're the only guy I'm interested in. I did experiment with Hyunjin but I couldn't get you off my mind when trying with another guy, it didn't work any or help. So please just be mine" he held me my the collar of my shirt and pulled me close, I swear my heart was racing, I didn't know if it was fear or holy fucking hell, was I blushing?! Why do I feel like this? Lee Minho was making me nervous in a good way?!

I quickly pushed myself away from him, "I don't think I could forgive you.. you hurt me a lot and made my school life a living hell. I'm sorry but I can't stand to be around you," I was lying of course because suddenly I felt like falling into his arms and hugging him but at the same time I wasn't lying, I couldn't forgive him for that.

"Minho you're drunk, you should go home." I said grabbing him by his arm and pulling him to the bars exit. "Just think about it felix. Please." He said staring deeply at me, I looked away and sighed, "goodbye Minho," I pushed him out the door and closed it.

I walked to the bar grabbing my bag and going to the dressing room, I changed out of my working clothes into my normal clothes before grabbing my stuff and leaving.

I walked down the sidewalk staring at the ground. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened in that bar.

I lifted my head and seen a dark alleyway, it was scary to walk past those a lot. I put my head back down while walking past the alleyway. Nothing happened.

My phone started ringing out of nowhere, I flinched at the sudden noise. "Aish~ fucking scared me.." I grabbed it out of my bag to see it was Chan.

I answered the phone immediately, "hey baby," I said smiling big, I looked like an idiot. "Hey, come home quickly, I wanna take you out to dinner tonight." I blushed so hard. "Of course, but what about that surprise I owe you?" He chuckled, "save it for after." I bit my lip and sighed, "alright love you" I ended the call and put my phone in my bag.

I started running to get home quicker. I did arrive home faster than I usually do, but I was sweaty. I know it's worth it though.

I went inside taking my shoes off. "Baby, I'm home!" I yelled seeing Chan suddenly appear. I squealed before jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. "Somebody missed me" he said chuckling. "Of course I did, I worked 4 whole hours.. meaning 4 hours way from you." I moved my hair out of my face a bit and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

I jumped from his arms and smiled big. "Alright I'm gonna go get ready for our date and I'll be back in a bit" I said before leaving to the bathroom.

As I went into the bathroom I seen an outfit hanging on the wall. It was a soft white turtle neck sweater and a pair of jeans to go with it. Chan must've picked the outfit for me. I grabbed it and changed into it.

After changing my clothes I grabbed my makeup and laid it all out, "do you have to wear makeup?" Chan said suddenly appearing behind me. "Uh you stalker, have you been watching me this whole time?" I said chuckling a bit. "Maybe I have.. but don't wear makeup, I love your freckles and would love for you to go one date night without makeup." I sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Okay, fine. But if I get weird looks I blame it on you.." I put my makeup back in the bathroom cabinet before turning around to face him. "Thank you."


We arrived at the place, it was simple but still so romantic. There was a view of the beach and the moon. It isn't the best place he's taken me but this place was way to pretty to say no to.

We've already ordered our food. It was taking awhile for our food to come in and I already had to pee, the sound of the waves wasn't making it any better. Before I could get up the food was already on its way, I didn't want to leave while the food was here because I felt it wouldn't be a date if he started eating without me.

I watched as they placed the food down along with the wine.

I smiled and looked at Chan. "Dig in," he said before pouring him and I some wine. I started eating while he did as well, I needed to pee so badly that's the reason I'm not touching my wine. "Baby, will you excuse me? I really have to pee." Chan nodded fast before I got up and sped walk to the bathroom. I went into a stall and did my business.

After washing my hands and stuff I went back out to me and chans table. "Did I take to long?" I asked, he shook his head no and continued to eat. I continued to eat as well.

Near the end of the date I was stuffed and Chan was tipsy. Chan stood up and picked up his champagne glass, along with a spoon, clinging them together. "Can I get everyone's attention please?" I widened my eyes, "c-chan si-" I was interrupted, "I wanted to take this night to thank my beloved boyfriend, he has done nothing but bring comfort to me, he makes me feel like I'm out of this world. So.. I wanted to take this night and make it more special than it already is" he came around the table to in front of me, kneeling down and reaching into his pocket to pull out a small box. I was about to fucking cry, is it what I think it is?!

"We've spent our live together for 2 years, I want it to be forever more. Felix, will you marry me?" He had said opening the box revealing a diamond ring, I stayed quiet in shock for a second before replying, "y-yes!" I yelled in complete excitement and happiness. He put the ring on my finger and picked me up while getting up. I kissed him and he kissed back.

The whole restaurant cheered and every now and then someone would come up to our table and say congrats

Me and Chan drank a lot of champagne but I was the most sober. We didn't have anyone to drive us home which made me worried.

We were heading to the car which Chan had the keys in his hand. "Chan are you sure you want to drive?" He sighed, "f-Felix listen if I were gonna drive and crash I wouldn't have the keys right now, but I do. It's not the first time I've drank and drive." He opened the car door getting in and starting the car. I trusted him a lot but with how drunk he is a I still worried a lot.

We were on the road now, everything was fine. "I can't wait to get home, this is going to be a fucking blast." Chan said starting a conversation. "Mhm, what is it you're most excited for?" I said in a teasing voice. "I think you know what I'm most excited for." I chuckled in response.

He had gotten his phone out and opened Spotify, he connected his phone to the car radio.

I watched for a second then looked back up to see a pair of headlights coming right at us.


Before I finished anything we were hit and everything went black.


Holy fucking hell. This chapter was quite boring due to the fact there wasn't a lot of Minho. I mean you all did get a Chanlix chapter, with a bad ending though..

I really hope y'all enjoyed this chapter though. I don't really like it(what I say about all chapters💀).

On other hand the next chapter will probably be out today as well. I also stopped word counts because they weren't really useful and nobody really notices the word counts at the end.

Anyways I love you all ! 🤍

- Sun Ho

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