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Today was a gloomy day and everyone's hearts were heavy. They were laying Dj to rest after a week of his passing. The funeral was overflowing with people who he had a positive impact on. It was especially sad because he never hurt anyone purposely he was just trying to make it out and create a family. He didn't even want to be entangled in the street for the rest of his life and everyone knew that.

The family and friends sat on the first and second rows and instead of wearing black everyone wore purple. Dj's favorite color, this was De'Zures request for everyone.

" now we will allow anyone to speak please keep the speeches too a 3 minute minimum " Pastor Calvin said, his voice cracked making him quickly sit down.

Appelonia slowly stood up and walked to the stage.

" My oldest baby...my first love...1 of 3 halves of my heart. I will always appreciate you for being authentically yourself and never pretending to be anyone else. I had you at 15 and I remember I thought having a baby was the worst mistake...and then when you came my life filled with so much joy and everyday you lived you continued to fell my heart with happiness. I love you so much my sweet beautiful boy you're finally free from this scary world" She kept herself together but the tears stung her face as they uncontrollably poured.

The room was silent until Mookie stood
Up and went to the stage.

" y'all some ugly ass criers" Mookie said making everyone giggle a little.

" but nah fr, we here to honor the memory of Dj maneee, I remember when I first started trying to cut hair I begged him to be my first client. So he let me do his hair and I FUCKED HIM
UP pushed his hair back atleast 3 inches if not 4 and he still let me cut him up till I got it right... I say that to say he was a real one and he was my back bone. I love you bruh fly high" He tried to stay strong but he began to cry towards the end.

After the funeral life was quieter than ever before. No one knew what to do after that everything was at a stand still.

Tre'Zure Morant

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Tre'Zure Morant

" Wsg fuu" My white homie jack dapped me up.
" hey gng"
" You straight ?"
" mhm" I responded dryly.

I didn't have much to say to these folks ion even like this school.

" Mr Morant we need to talk " My coach yelled out to me from across the cafeteria. I was on my way to first period but he interrupted.
" Yes coach?"
" I'm sorry but I have to do this... you're off the team"
" WHAT?"
" The fighting video going vira-"
" So I was supposed to let dude attack that girl!"
" The fact that it went Viral and I've be hearing talk that you're involved in gang activity. And the recent killing of a young man made me realize how dangerous that can be"
" Coach that got nothing to do with me."
" I don't wanna hear it. Sorry Tez but I gotta cut you loose"

I didn't say nothing else I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away. I felt betrayed, I was best on the team, top of my grade, and I had so many offers for it to go allll down the drain.

* 1st period *

Sitting in our group circle I noticed De'Zure's empty seat that's been empty all week. I tried to just leave it alone and forget about it but the guilt was eating me up. I didn't do nothing but for some reason I was guilty.

" Tre'Zure may I speak to you?" My tech instructor said motioning me
To follow him to a corner
" Yes sir" I followed.
" Do you know if De'Zure is okay?"
" I haven't heard anything from her, she don't even post nomo"
" okay, I heard about her brother and I thought you would know something" He said with gloomy eyes.
I shook my head and went back to sit in my seat.

* at lunch * ⏰

At my table full of people I was the only one silent

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