3. the "hang out"

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Jimmy's POV:

Everyone was leaving the gathering after saying their good byes and that left Scott and I, alone. "Well what should we do now?" I spun around and looked at him, Fwip messed up his hair by trying to snag his crown, as a joke so he was in the process of trying to fix it.
"Uh well we could go to your kingdom and hang out, if you don't mind." He said after placing his crown back on his head. "Alright! I'll warn you now though, I don't think all your winter styled clothing will suit the warm weather.." Scott sighed and took off his cape and warm coat, leaving him with an under shirt that has and a blue vest. I noticed he had some sort of locket around his neck and it was golden with a cyan gem on the front. "Alright this should be fine." Scott said while making sure there wasn't any dirt on him. I nodded and then we took of for the Cod Empire.

Once we got there it looked slightly gloomy, the only thing that really had colour was the slime and flowers. Once we landed in front of my 'humble abode' I looked over at him. "Sorry if it isn't the most eye appealing.." I chuckled and turned back to my home, "I think it's nice!" He said while smiling, which made me smile. "Well I'll show you around then!" I said while clapping my hands together.

-After the 'tour'-

"So what do you think?" Scott looked away from the water and back to me, "I personally like it." I smiled at his response. "What do you want to do now?" Scott pointed at the docks next to the water before looking back at me, "chill on the docks?" He asked, I nodded and we walked over there.

Once we made it we sat and watching the water move in the direction of the wind and the sun was slowly beginning to set. I looked over at Scott, his eyes were practically glowing in the suns direction. I felt my face heat up a bit and I looked back at the water. It feels like we've known each other for a long time yet... Still feels like we're complete strangers. It's a confusing feeling but I can manage.

Just as we were relaxing in the silence I heard a voice from behind, Sausage. "Jimmy!!!! And Scott...?" I turn around, slightly annoyed that Scott and I's silence has been ruined. "What's up?" I stand up and face Sausage. "First off I figured I'd stop by, second can we talk? In private...?" I look over at Scott and he nodds, me and Sausage went some where were Scott couldn't hear and then Sausage began to talk. "What's up with you an Scott?" I blushed slightly and shrugged, "just being friendly." Sausage rolled his eyes at my response, "Mhm sure~" I blushed some more and Sausage laughed. "Look man, he gets annoyed with everyone! Litterly everyone! The fact that you guys have been hanging out a lot recently is... Surprising?" Sausage scrunched his nose and looked over at Scott who is laying down and placing his hand on top of the water, "look Jim, no one really knows what he's like so be careful alright? I have to get going but I'll see you later!" I waved, "bye!" I watched as he flew off and I looked back over at Scott, who was still playing with the water.

I got an idea and laughed to myself, he won't get mad... Right? I jumped into the water and swam over to the dock that Scott was on. As he was playing with the water I slowly approached near the surface before popping my head out and yelling 'boo!'. Scott screamed and jumped back, "Jimmy! You nearly scared me to death!" I was a laughing mess, "hey hey it was just a joke!" Scott went over to the water and splashed me, "not funny!" I smiled at him and he looked away and pouted. "Scott!!! I'm sorry-" Scott laughed, "as you should be!" I dramatically gasped, "I am hurt."

We both laughed and just stared into each other's eyes, it seemed like only minutes went by when we talked but it was actually hours, I looked at all his facial features when ever I could, he was just so memorizing...

Sorry if this was shorter, hoped it was good lol

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Sorry if this was shorter, hoped it was good lol

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