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The shrine priestess had been watching her best general for a while now. She had noticed two things: Gorou couldn't stop acting like the vision hunt decree was still going. And when he didn't, he was completely out of it, curling up into himself during meetings and chewing softly on his fingers, eyes glazed as if he wasn't even in the room mentally.

And quite frankly, Kokomi began to worry. She knew the poor hybrid had suffered a lot during the war, and she understood he was going through nothing more than all the other people who were doing poorly. But he seemed to cope differently with their new found peace.

And so, being the responsible leader and friend she was, she called for Gorou to join her in her private quarters.
She had set up a load of blankets and pillows in the middle of her room, built up like a nest, surrounded by Gorous favourite snacks and accompanied by a fire lit in the small fireplace.

When Kokomi heard a gentle knock on her door, she went to open it, greeting the younger man with a gentle smile.
„Hello Gorou, thank you for agreeing to see me" she spoke softly, opening the door fully so the other could enter. He hesitantly did so, ears standing up, indicating he was on edge. His tail was wagging nervously from side to side when he saw the nest Kokomi had set up on the floor, and he tilted his head, looking at her as she closed and locked the door.

„Your excellency, what's going on?" he mumbled, fidgeting with his hands. Kokomi smiled, sitting down on the ground and patting on a pillow next to her for Gorou to sit, which he slowly did, tail curled around himself.

„Please Gorou, you don't have to be so formal when we're alone, you know that" she hummed.
The hybrid nodded, shifting to get himself more comfortable.
„I just thought you could use some down time, after all we didn't have any time during the war" Kokomi continued, noting how Gorous ears peaked up at that.

„You mean..?" he asked, the tip of his tail starting to wag excitedly though he tried to still himself.
Kokomi chuckled quietly, nodding.
„Yes puppy, I mean you can finally regress again. If you want to, of course" she hummed, even though the woman knew it was exactly what Gorou needed, she was also aware he'd be hesitant about letting his guard down again after such a long time.

But she thought wrong, as she was immediately tackled into a tight hug from her little puppy, who buried his face in the nape of her neck.
„I wanna, momma" he mumbled against her skin, and Kokomi smiled gently, scratching the boy behind his ears, where she knew he liked it the most. And sure enough, Gorou started wagging his tail fully now, before curling it around his momma.

„That's great to hear puppy. Why don't you tell momma about your day?" she cooed, watching her little one relax into her arms.
„I went to visit Zuzu, and then we played chess and I won!" Gorou exclaimed, and Kokomi smiled at him.
„Wow, that's amazing puppy! Momma is so proud of you. Is Kazuha doing okay?"

The little nodded excitedly „Yes! And Zuzu also said I should regress again 'cause he thinks I'm stressed" he mumbled.
The woman sighed, stroking over his back.
„Well he's right, isn't he? You've been so brave for momma and Zuzu for so long, you deserve a break puppy" she cooed.

Gorou blushed softly, nudging her hand to keep patting his head.
„Do you have my paci, Momma..?" he asked, looking up at her with big eyes.
Kokomi nodded with a gentle smile, pulling the box that contained Gorous favourite little item from under a blanket and opened it, taking out the beautiful pacifier she had commissioned a while back when she learned about Gorous tendencies to regress.

Whether he went into little- or petspace, he was always using it. Either to avoid having to talk because after a time he'd go mute, or just so he wouldn't start chewing his nails or things around the room that weren't meant to be in his mouth.

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