2.01: Accusations

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"I want to make sure that I understand everything. You were brought to this village by a mystical and inexplicable force beyond yourself which you don't understand. You have a magical piece of jewelry which wards off evil. You fought off half a dozen wolves, and dug up the remains of one of our oldest founders. Let's see... Clair is also a magical person. She can fly, and create glowing weapons to scare wildlife. Together, the two of you battled and ultimately defeated an otherworldly storm centered entirely around the local park."

"That's right."

Leia rubbed her temples above a mountain of scribbled notepaper. "Is there anything else?"

"You need to take a look in the lighthouse," Henry said. The manacles had been sprung from his wrists, but he was under no illusion that he was at liberty to leave the minuscule interview room. One of the deputies stood guard on the other side of the door.

"Because I'll find the remains of some sort of Satanic ritual inside."

"I never said anything about Satan."

The sheriff leaned back in her chair, and glowered. "Do I seem like some sort of moron to you?"

"I never said -"

"What about how I act makes you think I'm a moron?"

Sweat beaded on Henry's forehead. His back ached from hours in a straight-backed chair. He didn't know how long he'd been out, or how he'd come to be in the Tortus Bay jail. "I don't understand. You must have seen it."

"Seen what? I didn't see any shiny weapons. I didn't see any wolves. I sure as hell didn't see any hole in the ground in the park."

"That all went away!" he said, and she threw her hands up. "But you saw the storm."

"A couple of dark clouds."

"It was a tornado."

"You would think a tornado might have damaged a few trees. These aren't even good lies." Leia slammed her open hand down on the table. "You're wasting my time, and I'm going to figure out why."

"I'm telling you the truth."

"You've clearly been hanging out with Kara. You think this is the first time I've heard shit like this? I just can't figure out why she would get herself involved. She's always been smarter than that." She folded her notes in half, and shoved them roughly into her jacket pocket. "You helped Clair break out of this jail, and the two of you are doing something in that park. Was it a late-night rendezvous, or do you have something hidden in there?"


"You're being a smart ass, and it's not a good move." Abruptly, the sheriff stood and opened the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To check on a report about this lighthouse of yours. And when I hear that there's nothing there, we're going to continue our chat. You're not leaving until I have real answers." She stormed out of the room, leaving the door open, and passed the deputy outside with a sharp "watch him!"

The man nodded, and stood a little straighter. Henry recognized him from outside of Horizon Foods, where he had helped arrest Clair. He had short-cropped dark hair, and a chin that disappeared into his neck. As Leia's footfalls trailed off down the hall, he fell back into his unconcerned slouch.

"You normally keep people in the interview room?"

He craned his neck to look through the doorway. "Your friend left a hole in the wall when she took off. Now the stonework is crumbling in both of our cells."

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