p a p a r a z z i

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'you know we are going to be stopped by the paparazzi and asked questions?',

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'you know we are going to be stopped by the paparazzi and asked questions?',

David somewhat asked, I nodded my head,

'are you ready?',

David asked me as we got ready to leave his car and enter the restaurant. I let out a slight breath and nodded my head, I put my hand on the door handle ready to leave,

'No wait!',

David somewhat yelled at me, I turned and looked at him extremely confused. He quickly jumped out of the car and walked around to my side of the car opening the door up for me,

'you just wanted to look good on camera',

I said to him, he smiled and nodded his head slightly,

'yeah of course baby; I need all the 13 year old girls to know that I'm a gentlemen',

David said joking with me, I laughed slightly. I saw the paparazzi standing there, they stopped to ask us questions, they were all shouting at us and I got fed up with not being able to hear any of them,

'Okay every one shut up',

I said, everyone looked at me shocked even David did before he laughed slightly,

'to answer your questions; yes we are dating, no I will not be saying how long we have been dating for and yes all of our friends are happy with it',

I said to them, David put his hand up to high five me, i laughed slightly high-fiving him. I went to walk in grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me but he stopped, he smiled at me before facing the paparazzi,

'and if you have anymore question just tweet at us and you'll see it in our upcoming video'.

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