Chapter 2

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Arny's POV:

'I start a new school today' I think as I get ready to go. After I comb my hair I hear my mom yell, "WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE". I yelled back, "COMING". I grab my school bag then we head out the door.

At school

Once I saw his big the school was my anxiety started to rise. I slowly get out of the car heading towards the school. I see the Principal's office once I get there.

" Hello?" I call out trying to see if anybody was there. Then I heard, "Come on in". I walk inside. The kind lady gave me my schedule. It went in order from History, English, Lunch, Science, Math, and lastly Tech.

"Where are my classes at?" I ask the principal. My anxeity levels rised when she said she would get another student to give me a tour. Although I didn't  complain because I needed to know where my classes are.

"Will Mr. Danny Phantom come to my office please." I hear the principal speak over the intercom. I take a seat over in the corner. After about a minute or so we hear a knock on the door.

A tall man with white hair and mainly black clothing walks in. "Hello Mr. Danny" the principal says. "What do you need" Danny said. The principal explained to him how I needed a tour of the school.

"Whatever" the tall man says. He grabs my hand then jurks me out of the principals office. It surprised me, but I didn't want to let go his hands were warm.

He ask me what my schedule was. I told him the classes that I had in order. "Well that should make it easy" the white haired man exclaimed. "Huh?" being confused by the statement. "We have the same classes dork" I don't know what about it, but it made me feel happy inside.

After the tour it's now lunch time.

Danny's POV:

I typically don't like new students because I think they ask way to many questions. This one was different though, he seemed to understand as soon as you told him. He was a great listener.

I perked my head up when I see him coming out of the lunch line. I wave for him to come over hear to sit with me. He got the jesture. We sat and we talked for the rest of lunch.

After school because nobody wants to read about them in thier boring ass classes.

When i'm walking out of school to go home I see Arny. Something was wrong though. His head was hanging low and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Arny" I said in consern as I walk towards him. He looked back at me, only this time he was crying. "What happened?" I questioned him.

"I just got a call from the hospital saying that my mom got in a car accident." the shorter male stated. Soon he started, "Can I stay at your place?". I told him yes so we walked to my house.

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