The Nightmare - Prologue

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"Penny...?" Georgie calls to his sister, with no response. He gets out of bed, realizing it's still night... He looked at where Penny was. Or at least where he last saw her... He felt chills down his spine as he checked Penny's bed. Nowhere to be found... he slowly turns around and notices the door wide open. It was dark... Georgie picks up a flashlight on the ground. "No batteries..." He says, hitting the red button in an attempt to turn it on. He sighs. "Penny, where are you? Mom and dad are gone. They told us to stay in our roo-" Suddenly, the sound of a vase smashing off in the distance was heard. Georgie flinches at the sudden noise, slipping over the flashlight and smashing his head on his bed frame. He grunts in pain. He feels his head. Blood.

He gets back up and wanders off out of the room to try and find Penny. He heard voices and whispers. He tried to brush them off, but as Georgie grew closer to the end of the hallway, they got louder.. He quickly opens the door next to him to try and avoid the whispers, but his eyes widen in horror. There Penny sat on the cold hard floor. She seemed injured. And the house... It was all messed up. Georgie slides down the stairs to check on Penny, he tried to lift her up, but to no avail. "Penny? Are you alright..?" She kicks him away. She gradually looks up and reveals her face... She had a red eye and on the other was pitch black. She just stared at him. No emotions. "P-Penny...??" He slowly steps back as she gets closer and closer. He backs away to a wall. She steps yet again closer, cornering him. She reaches out to him, "Penny?! No!" She tries hitting him, but Georgie evades and quickly runs to the kitchen. He looked behind him and there Penny was. Not so far behind. He grabs the nearest object in the kitchen and smashes it against the Backyard window, he climbs over the sink and faucet and as he attempts to crawl into the Backyard a sharp shard pokes into him, it slowly scraps against his foot, and he yelps in pain. His body slams into the ground.

"AGH! What the hell is happening?!" Georgie yells, and he crawls over to the shed. Locked. He slowly gets up. He runs over to the fence and tries crawling over it, but he fails and slips off. "What happened to Penny? I need to get out of here. Why is this place so messed up?!" He turns around and sees Penny looking around for him. He sprints behind the shed to not alert Penny to his location.  He peeked around the corner, and there she was, twitching. She looked around like a predator looking for her prey. He teared up and tried to cover his cries so she didn't hear him. Georgie felt fear. He knew what would happen if she found him... he didn't want to get caught. He slowly sneaks around the window and gets up successfully. He walks around and runs quietly to the exit. His only hope of freedom. He attempts to open it, but it's locked..  he needed a white key, a piece of code, and a... Wrench? "When did mom and dad get this security system....?" He whispered to himself. The sounds of Penny's footsteps were heard.

Georgie sprints up the stairs and to the attic. He tries to run to the room where he'd always hide in hide and seek, but it seemed to be locked... With a red lock. The other side of the attic remained inaccessible due to the floorboard being smashed in. "When did the attic get so locked down..?" He whispered to himself yet again. It felt so weird... Penny was hunting for him, the house was messed up, and now the attic is half destroyed?! "This has to be some sick joke! There's no way in hell that this is all real!" He yelled in frustration. Georgie covers his mouth as he realizes what he had just done... He had alerted Penny. He looked down and saw Penny, making her way to the attic. This time, she had a bat... Georgie's exhaustion turns to dread, knowing he's cornered... Georgie frantically searches around, looking for a place to maybe hide. But he gets an idea. He runs and jumps to the other side of the attic. Barely making it... He sits against a wall, out of breath. He closed his eyes to rest a little... Georgie then hears a sound. As he opens his eyes, he notices Penny. Standing there, looking at him. She looked confused and scared. It's like she couldn't control it. She starts walking over to him, not noticing the hole in the floor. "Wait, Penny!" He yelled, jumping to Penny's aid. He was too late. She fell to her death. Georgie covers his eyes as he hears a 'snap' sound, supposedly the sounds of Penny's legs. "I feel like I'm going to be sick..." Georgie covers his mouth. He seemed to be gagging. He lifts himself and jumps over back to the stairs. Walking down to where Penny fell. She was nowhere to be found. He walked over to the exit. Which was now... Open?

"Freedom?!" He ran over to the door, but no locks were seen. He breathed a sigh of relief... he ran away, not looking back. He knew what would happen if he returned... He stopped in his tracks. A force was stopping him. He heard a branch snap behind him. He turned around, and there stood a tall creature. Its eyes were pitch black. It lifted its bat and knocked Georgie out cold... His blood splats across the floor. Killing him.

"HUH?!" Georgie yells, leaping out of his bed. "Oh... It was just a dream." He whispered to himself. He went to check on Penny. Weird.. she wasn't on her bed. Maybe she's downstairs. Georgie makes his way downstairs, it felt like Deja Vu... She was sitting on the couch. "Penny?" Georgie whispered to her. She twists to him slowly... It gave Georgie chills, and she eventually fully bent her head around. Gazing straight into his soul... She looked strange...


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