Chapter 4

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Throughout the night, Alice would periodically wake up and cry. Ryoko wasn't sure why at first. But then she remembered that Alice had been abandoned. So she may have issues with being left alone. Ryoko sighed as she sat on her bed. Alice lay asleep in her arms.

"It must be so hard for you..." Ryoko softly said as she caressed the sleeping tot's face.

"Not knowing where you are, or why, being left behind by your parents." She whispered. She looked at Alice a little longer. She seemed to be so peaceful and content. But she still showed fear of being left alone by tightly gripping Ryoko's shirt. Ryoko carefully laid down with the child. As the night crept on, she found herself getting fondly attached to the baby from the sewers. She hugged the baby close and nuzzled her.

"I'll never leave you... Never again.." She said before closing her eyes and falling asleep herself.


"Mokuba! Cody! Breakfast!!" The two boys groaned as they pulled themselves out of bed. They walked over to the main room and sat at the table. Ryoko placed some fresh waffles down in front of them. The sweet scent of the waffles made their mouths water.

"Thank you, Miss Ryoko." The boys said as they sleepily ate their breakfast. Ryoko had placed Alice in a high chair and gave her a little bowl of mixed berries and waffle bits. The brown-haired baby was very content with where she was. Kuriboh then came into the room.

"Here's your bowl Kuriboh." Ryoko chuckled as she placed it on the table for him. Mixed berries and waffle bits as well. Everyone finished their breakfast and placed their dishes in the sink.

"That was delicious Miss Ryoko!" Cody said, now more awake than he had previously been. Ryoko chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Thanks Cody." She said. Mokuba then ran up to Ryoko.

"Miss Ryoko! Can we go outside?! Please?!" He begged. Ryoko laughed.

"Of course. You guys just need to change out of your PJs." Ryoko said as she picked Alice up. Mokuba and Cody immediately ran to get dressed. While the boys did that, Ryoko took Alice to her room to change as well. Once the three children were ready, Ryoko opened up a portal for the kids to walk through. Once outside, Cody and Mokuba took off running. Alice gasped and looked around in amazement and wonder.

"Down! Down!!" She demanded. Ryoko chuckled and put the tot down. Alice immediately started to squeal and laugh as she ran around herself. She went and chased after the two older boys. The three children were having a lot of fun running around and being children. Ryoko sat under a tree nearby. She watched them run around and explore the nearby area. She then saw Alice walk over to the lake and stood a little too close to the edge.

"Mokuba! Cody! Make sure Alice doesn't fall in!" She called. The boys looked back to see Alice playing with the water. Mokuba went and sat next to her.

"Careful Alice." Mokuba said as he gently pulled her away. Alice whined and wanted to play with the water. But Mokuba brought her back to safety away from the water. Alice was starting to get upset when she heard a strange sound. She whipped her head around to see Cody squeaking a blade of grass. Mokuba gasped in amazement.

"You can do that?!" He asked excitedly. Cody looked over at them

"What? This? Yeah." Cody chuckled. Alice waddles up to him and reaches for the blade of grass.

"I try!" She demanded. Cody chuckled and handed it to her. She stared at it. Now that she had the grass in her hand, she didn't know what she needed to do. She held it back up to Cody.

"You do!" She demanded. Mokuba walked over with a blade of his own.

"Yeah! Show us!" Mokuba said excitedly. Cody chuckled.

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