Platinum Titan (TDS)

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Child of the Gold Titan

Doesn't like towers yet won't fight them

Doesn't trust them considering that they are the reason their dad is dead

Was good friends with the Fallen King when they were young

Has given the platinum perk to three towers they trust to use in the army however they chose to stay with them and are now Platinum's children
(Crook Boss, Minigunner, Pyro)

Void Reaver has been searching for them ever since their dad died

Is quite solitary and prefers to be alone with their kids

Phillips Division (Yeah that TDS x Phillips event) are also considered their children considering they raised all of them with the help of the platinum towers

Has a stare that will pierce through your soul

Is very much aware of the Wox the Fox situation and is searching for the missing Slaughter Warden, a friend of Baseball Warden

Taught Mage Pyro how to handlen his fire magic

Is very gentle with their children, some of them like to get on their shoulder or head to feel tall

Has a platinum sword gifted by Fallen Swordmaster when the last time they met

Is more of a legend/myth and has used this to great advantage

Even though they are called the Platinum Titan, they have flesh

Technically given life due to some magical platinum

Is platinum blonde I'm sorry but they are

No one can touch their hair except for the kids

Creator forbid you say it's trash
(The Josuke Higashikata of my headcannons)

(A/N): If you may get confused on why I'm using gender neutral terms. There are specific names for the female and male version. Platinum Lady and Lord Platinum. It's more of a Oc than anything. I will use them for like Platinum Titan!Reader type of oneshots later on.

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