pt. 19

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my heart was still beating a million miles an hour, and butterflies were still swarming my stomach as i pulled away from the hug and looked my girlfriend in the eyes still not being able to belive that sadie was now my girlfriend. i couldn't help but smile as we made eye contact. i was about to speak when i suddenly heard my phone go off. i quietly sighed as i pulled my phone out of my pocket to check who it was. my stomach dropped as i red the text.

hey mills, r u still coming to my house to hang?

"shit.." i mumbled as i opened up the text. "what? what is it?" sadie asked me as concern and confusion flashed across her face. "i forgot- noah wanted me to come to his house." i sighed as i grabbed my car keys and coat.
"wait-" sadie called out. i spun around feeling confused as she spoke. "do you think i could maybe come too? i don't have to if you don't want me ther-" she rambled off before i cut her off. a small smile spread across my face as i nodded. "c'mon." i told her as i grabbed her hand. she smiled and her face went red as she grabbed my hand. we walked out of my apartment hand in hand, and towards my car.

k sry i forgot. i'll be there in a bit. btw im bring sadie because she was at my apartment

oooh, she was huh? ;)

shutup. seeya soon.

i smiled to myself as i put my phone away, and pulled out of the parking lot. i quickly glanced over to the beautiful woman sitting next to me that i could now call my girlfriend.


"hey! we're here!" i called out as i used my spare key to unlock noah's front door. noah came running around the corner, and nearly crashed into a wall as he rounded the corner. "hey mills!" he greeted me. "hey sadie." he also greeted sadie. i gave him a slight death glare as i set down my keys on his kitchen counter. "so just us 3?" i asked him as i threw my coat down beside my keys, making myself at home. "well since sadie also came i also invited over caleb, gaten, and finn." noah told me. "cool." i responded.

"so i was thinking we could have like a mini party kinda- since all 6 of us are comming." noah suggested. "that sounds awesome! we could like have a dance party, karaoke, and-"
sadie cut me off by placing her hand on my shoulder. "calm down mills." she slightly giggled cutting me off from my sentence. i couldn't help but smile and slightly blush. "okay love birds why don't we-"
"what!?" sadie asked noah with a shocked expression.

"uh- i said.. 'okay above birds'. y'know the song?" he asked. "there's no song called that?" sadie asked confused. "you've just never heard of it." noah shrugged grabbing a few balloons and tossing them towards us. "why don't you guys start blowing these up while i tidy up the place." noah told us. i agreed and gave a thumbs up


"this is looking pretty decent so far, so when are you actually gonna try and make it look actually good?"
i joked. noah gave me a slightly death glare but then rolled his eyes in a funny way. "this does look good millie! i don't know what your talking about." noah responded kicking a yellow balloon on the floor like a soccer ball. "so when is everyone else comming?" sadie asked. "in like 5ish minutes." noah answered her. "cool- we should also order a pizza. a vegan pizza to be exact." sadie told us. "you're the only vegan one here so- you would pay." noah told her. "it's fine, if you want i can buy you a vegan pizza love." i told her.

as soon as i realized what just slipped out of my mouth, i covered my mouth and looked over to noah. surprisingly he didn't look shocked to the least, but he had a grin on his face. he stepped a bit closer to me and wispered in my ear. "love?" he asked while obviously holding back laughter. i rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "i'm british for crying out loud! i- i call everyone love.." i slightly stumbled. "millie i have known you almost my whole life and not ONCE have you called someone love." he pointed out.

"everything okay..?" sadie asked us. i stepped away from noah and smiled. "everything's fine lo- uhm.. sades." i stammered.

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