47- Fights and Embarrassments

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Gyaan left the room in a hurry after making some lame excuse, closing the door with a thud.

Ahana and Neer glanced at each other and then at the door repeatedly, before asking each other in unison, "Is it just me or do you also think that Gyaan is avoiding us?"

"You think so too!" They exclaimed in shock, speaking in unison again.

"He was definitely avoiding meeting our eyes," they both said with tension, before glaring at each other.

"Stop copying me," they yelled.

"Just stop speaking, you two. It is causing me a headache," Sameera said, massaging her forehead with her fingers.

Ahana and Neer huffed at being scolded, and sat there pouting with their hands folded.

"No need to make these faces. I really have a headache," Sameera sighed, "And about Gyaan, leave the guy be. He has too much on his mind."

"It looks like you know what is troubling him," Neer said, looking at her with observant eyes.

"Yeah, Sameera Aunty and Gyaan Bhaiya had a long talk a while ago," Avan informed, having noticed them talking while they all were busy fighting.

"Is everything alright?" Ahana asked, her eyes wide with worry.

"Don't look so scared for him. Everything is okay, at least for now," Sameera said in a knowing tone.

"What are you talking about? Scared for him? Pfft, as if," Ahana scoffed, trying to sound like she didn't care.

"Of course, why would you be worried for him? It's not like he means anything to you," Sameera said sarcastically, before taking Avan's hands and getting out of the room too.

"Hey! Wait for us too!" The twins yelled, before trying to crawl out of bed in hurry. They almost fell as the blankets got entangled in their legs. Cursing, they tried to get out only to get trapped more and headbutt each other.

"Aish!" They rubbed their foreheads, while glaring at each other.

"It's all because of you!" Ahana grumbled.

"Yeah sure, put it all on me. I am the one who is at fault. Not only this situation, but everything that goes wrong in this world is because of me."

"This! Exactly this attitude of yours has been causing problems. I am damn sure that your snide remarks like this are the reason behind Gyaan's weird behaviour," Ahana accused Neer, her nostrils flaring as her temper rose.

"Aww, look at you worrying about him when you just denied doing so a while ago," Neer tutted, copying Ahana's worried expression to taunt her.

"Yeah, fine, I admit. I am worrying about him. So? Is that so wrong to do so," Ahana yelled, defensively, as she aggressively tried to get out of the blanket.

"Then go admit it to him, dummy," Neer said, caressing her hair affectionately, stopping all her moments.

"What?" She looked at him with wide unblinking eyes, as the gulp went down her throat.

"Do I really have to spell it out," Neer groaned. "Just confess, before I change my mind and become over-protective again."

"You have gone crazy," Ahana muttered, before yelling, "There's nothing like that!"

She finally managed to get out of the blankets and literally ran out of the room.

"Man, this is going to be so hard to witness," Neer sighed, looking at the now open door, from where Ahana had left.

"Wonder how Ahana handled seeing me with Maanvi," Neer thought out loud, before a dark expression took over at the thought of his girlfriend who had back stabbed him so brutally.

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