The Party Part 2

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I run downstairs to try to find the source of the noise, Alessandra trailing behind. As I near the bottom of the stairs she is just now hitting the top stop. Suddenly a body bumps into me hard almost knocking me off balance. I manage to keep my feet stable, but just as I think I'm in the clear I see the person who bumped me duck and a fist come barreling towards me. I close my eyes and wait for the impact but before it ever connects, I am pulled to the side of the fight quick but gently. I look at who has my arm and make eye contact with Alessandra. She looks at me deeply before turning her attention to the fight looking unamused. When I look back, I realize Aaron is the one who bumped me and he is fighting with Zeke, another senior who is on the football team. I start to run into it to break it up before my arm is caught again.

"What are you doing, are you trying to get hurt?" She questions me.

"That's Aaron, I have to step in and stop this before it gets any worse. He isn't a fighter" I plead.

"Interesting. The scene playing out before me says otherwise" she says gesturing to the punches and tussling happening a few feet away. I look at her before shaking her grasp free and walk over to the two guys.

"Aaron stop!" I try to yell to where they will hear me but it's no use they are to wrapped up in their own testosterone. I then decide to get in the middle and push them apart. As I go to break through Zeke turns to push me out of the way, but he is suddenly thrown back on the ground. However, not by me or Aaron. Alessandra stands over top of him with a fire in her eyes.

"I suggest you break up this little wrestling match before you do something you will regret." She says coldly to Zeke. He looked at her dumbfounded. I mean all she did was push his chest away from me and he landed on his ass. If I wasn't so shocked, I would be laughing right now. Others seem to have the same idea as a few of his buddies make the comment he got showed up by a girl.

"I lost my balance is all and I had a few beers. She just got lucky is all," he says loudly. He looks over at her then me and finally Aaron.

"This isn't over, I'll see you soon" he smirks and walks out the party to I assume his car. I look back at Aaron who is pretty fucked up if I'm being honest. He has some cuts and scrapes on his face and his shirt is stretched and torn. I shake my head and start to walk to the front door. He runs after me and stands in front of me so I can't leave.

"Please don't be mad, I didn't want to fight. He swung on me first" he holds my hand looking into my eyes.

"Oh I know because while you dodged it I almost got hit" I state angrily. He looks confused and then I can see the guilt take over his face. He puts his head down and immediately I soften my gaze on him. Its hard to be mad when I know he wouldn't have fought unprovoked. I was just lucky Alessandra was there in time or I would probably have a lot of explaining to do to my dad. OH SHIT! I look at my phone, its already 3am and my dad gets about around 4 for his morning ritual as he calls it. I'm so screwed.

"As much as I would love to watch you beg for forgiveness, we have to leave now if we are going to make it back in time." I say quickly walking out the door. He stops me once again.

"Look please don't be mad but there is no way I could drive right now. Never mind the fact I'm still pretty wasted, but my eyes also swelling which together is a no go for me driving." I looked at him with such displeasure before we are interrupted.

"I can drive you" Alessandra spoke up while leaning against the porch column. I looked at her shocked. I mean I know we have been talking and such but to get in a car with her. I mean I don't know how she drives or anything like that so this could be a bad idea.

"I mean unless you have a magic carpet I am unaware of that can get you home on time. In which case I will respectively back off" She teases. I mean she has not drunk the whole time we have been together at the party, and she doesn't seem like the irresponsible type. Fuck it!

"Fine, show me the way. Aaron we aren't done talking about everything and please get home safe." I say before following the raven-haired girl. We get to a blacked-out Jeep Wrangler and I can honestly say if I had to picture a car to a person this is pretty accurate. We ride most of the way in silence, but it was actually quite nice. When we arrive in front of my house, I turn to her and find her already out the car and opening the door for me. I step out slowly.

"Thanks for the ride, I would invite you in but its kind of early and I'm sure your parents are worried." I say.

"Its okay, my parents I am sure are dead asleep right now. Besides we are still somewhat strangers, you should be a little more cautious on who you invite in. Even if they are as beautiful as I" she says with a smirk. However the way she said it all made me feel like there may have been a double meaning. I'm sure this night just has me on edge. I thank her again and walk to my window before turning and seeing her pull off and down the street.

This is going to be an interesting year.

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