File 003

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<h1>Log 011: Day 11</h1>

As planned, I did more socializing the next time I came back to the mafia, I aided Ango in delivering files, asking questions from other members, at times I'd even go out to run some small errands.

My current task was to question a member regarding an incident that involved the man currently living in the basement of Port Mafia, Paul Verlaine.

The information that I was given is that the man was targeted by the former assassin and had teamed up with Adam Frankenstein, since Ango wanted to develop my system further, he thought he could use this opportunity to know more about Adam.

I knocked three times and I pushed the door open. I was reading the information we already have so that I won't ask things that were unnecessary.

"Is this the living quarters of Nakahara Chuuya?" I asked, continuing to skim through the papers in my hand before looking up to see a busy redhead in a fedora, he was going through different papers as well.

He speaks, not looking up from his papers for even a moment, "yeah, yeah, that's me, what do you need? If you can't see, I'm quite busy."

He appeared to grumble more than speak.

"I was sent to ask questions regarding the android you worked with a few weeks ago, Adam Frankenstein? I'd ask Verlaine-san but he refuses to talk to anyone as of the moment," I answered.

He finally looks up to see me, the shade of his hat appearing to dim what was supposed to be bright blue eyes, I hear him let out a somewhat tired sigh as he puts away his papers.

"Make it quick."

"I only have a few questions, don't worry," I filed through the papers in my hands and pulled out the questions Ango provided me.

"How does he feel? Does he feel like he's clearly made of metal? Is he cold or warm like a normal human being?" I tilted my head.

He appeared to think for a bit, staring up at the ceiling, "well, I've only been carried by him once, and I was wrapped in copper wire at that time, but I guess he felt pretty normal, most likely since machines will heat over time."

I nodded, writing it down before looking to face him again.

"What was Adam like? Did he have his own personality or did it sound robotic or artificial?"

He shrugs, "if Adam hadn't told me he were an android, I don't think I would've guessed, he didn't seem robotic or artificial at all the first time we met, though afterwards, it became pretty clear, so I'm guessing he has an artificial personality."

So far, Adam seems way more developed than I am. If it were an artificial personality, his creator must've done a great job making one that could fool a human. I still acted slightly robotic, simply because Ango and Katai wanted me to form my own personality.

"Developing a personality is different from making a personality," Ango would tell Katai, "a personality builds how she will function, including her emotions, thoughts, goals, and wants."

"It's somewhat like raising a child," he'd shrug, "you teach them what they need to know like their name, how to write, and the such, but they gain things from the outside world too which will help them become part of the society. In other words, primary and secondary socialization."

In reality, I had no need of primary socialization, what I required was secondary, meaning that self-thought would be enabled more than half the time.

I was in a risky position of being found out, but Ango was willing to take the risk, so I followed and complied.

"I heard that his system got shut down, how is he now?"

"He's fine, his creator, Dr. Wollstonecraft recreated him I suppose, he still remembers everything before he 'died'," he answers.

'That must mean that his memory card wasn't damaged.'

I continued to question the redhead till everything was answered, I made sure to take note of everything.

"Thank you for your time, Chuuya-san," I bowed respectfully, I turned to leave when his voice stopped me.

"You've been asking me questions this whole time, I think I have the right to ask you some."

I turned back to face him, "what would you like to know?"

"Why do you want to know more about Adam?"

He sounded almost as if he were threatening me, though I should understand seeing that they've developed a relationship after fighting alongside each other.

"Ango-san requested me to ask regarding Adam."

It wasn't a lie at the very least.

"Who are you? I've never seen you around the mafia before."

I bowed again, "Sakaguchi (Y/N) at your service."

"You're his kid?"

I straighten up as I started to explain, "he took me in and raised me, so I suppose I'm adopted, I work in the mafia as an assistant informant, meaning that I just help Ango-san with what he needs, such as searching for files, notes, or I take his place when he's busy, I don't do much, honestly."

He tilts his head in slight curiosity, "do you have an ability?"

I nodded, "Cherries under Full Blossom, it heightens my IQ and enhances my physical capabilities... though I've got a fragile body meaning that I'm not suited for fighting even with my ability."

He raises a brow, "fragile body?"

"Even though I'm physically enhanced, my durability has decreased meaning that even at a normal impact such as falling off a short ladder can shatter my bones," I answered before getting a small realization, "another man asked me the same question... oh, Dazai Osamu."

"Don't compare me to that bandage wasting freak," I can hear him growl and I blinked a little before dawning upon another realization, "do you not like him?"

"Like him? How could I like a manipulative asshat?" He questions me.

"He seems rather interesting though, don't you think? The way he acts is rather intriguing."

"You call a suicidal maniac intriguing?"

"Perhaps, then again everyone is rather interesting, just yesterday I met a man who's called the 'Mafioso who refuses to kill', he's rather friendly," I noted, recalling another redhead, "you're rather interesting too... now that you've mentioned it, I can't find any similarities between you and Dazai-san, so my guess would be that you're the polar opposite. Though isn't there a saying that opposites attract?"

"Don't— shut up!"

"I apologize, if that's all the questions you have, I'll be taking my leave," I say.

"See if I care, I have work to do."

"Weren't you the one that told me to stay so you could ask me questions?" I asked.

"I don't need you now, just leave."

"Very well then, have a nice day Chuuya-san," I bowed again and left the room.

'Port Mafia sure has a lot of interesting people...'


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Wheee, we get our local alcoholic redhead Chuuya!! He's such a fun character to write istg, and I hope releasing an extra chapter makes up for me uploading late. 12th grade's been a pain in the a** and I really can't seem to remember anything :'))

So yeah, again, no drawings for these two chapters, I honestly have no idea when I can start adding drawings, but I will, I promise

Hope you like this chapter!! Don't forget to drink water, stay healthy, hug your parents and watch BSD S4, baiiii

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