Red light, green light

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I woke up dazed, confused to where I was. Everyone else in the room began to do the same. I slowly began to remember where I was as I looked around the massive room filled with beds. We all began to crowd around together until everyone seemed to be up. There were two doors at the end of the room that I believe are where the first game is. We heard a voice taking and the two doors began to be opened. We all trailed out. We're all going to leave with so much money. 45.6 billion won!
A woman's voice explained the game.
'Isn't that a kids game?' Someone asked.
'I used to play this.' Someone else.
The game began.
'Green light.'

Everyone began moving forward.
'Red light.'
I was doing well so far, someone moved behind me. A gunshot pierced through the air and they fell to the ground.
'Green light... Red light.'
'Hey you got eliminated, stop the act.' Someone muttered to them.
The person on the floor coughed, blood spilling out their mouth. Their friend stepped backwards, and then began to run.
A scream was heard and others began to run.
I looked around, shocked and ran too.

Hold on.. where did I go? Ah.

The end.

Words: 211

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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