The Words of my Father

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The prince and I seem to be getting a lot closer since my arrival here and the combat training was an additional factor that set the wheels in motion for us.

He's truly something.

After being called to the King's private chambers, he didn't return to the training grounds.

I heard some palace maids gossiping about something I was unsure of and truthful am still learning the language, so gossiping.....I don't know the latest trend at all.

If it were to be in my normal dominated world, I am the crowned Queen of latest trends and fashion gossip.

Here, not even close.

I thought back to our training section this afternoon and how the Prince's English was improving.....yeah, am a great teacher...

But was me teaching modern language really a good idea? Cause, if I've learnt something from all the greatest time travel movie ever made (Back to the future, Time machine, Interstellar and many more.)

1. Never expose life changing event that happens in the future: like for example... How nuclear bombs where created (Not that I know how it was created, but, that it was used by German general, General Adolf Hitler, the Nazi's leader to do harm, a lot of harm). The Pakistan Israeli War.

2. Don't change actions that are destined to happen, because it will have catastrophic results in the future; maybe leading to death or world destrution. Example, The birth of Jesus Christ ( yeah, imagine what would happen if one went back to change the outcome) or the big bang theory.

And many more things that could happen, like if I were to tell them, that monarch system which was a way of ruling, in the old days (wait, I'm in the old days) is know longer a big thing due to a new system call "Democracy".

Which is also as corrupt in so many ways by the people in power: betraying of the peoples truth, bribery and enslaving of people's right (even though slavery was demolished all over the world) not caring for the human rights but being very conning about power to choose.

And how there are know, Nobles or low Borns. How things never really got better. How things keeps going in the same circle just in a different direction: the rich still oppresses the poor.

How the rich gets richer and the poor, poorer.

I guess nothing really changed, we just invent new ways to kill each other and destroy everything around us and about earth.

I should stop thinking about the future, cause it's obvious that I was stuck in the past.

I should find a way to improve my learning skills and I don't mean combat skills, I literally mean......this language of theirs.

And I need to get rid of this growing feelings inside of me; his out of my league, not in the future but in the present time.

The more time I spend with the Prince, the more I realize that I might be attracted to him.

His exactly my type of boy: cute, dark (not dark skin, but troubled) and mysterious, tall and handsome, apart from him being Asian....shit, I flow with every color now.

As I wondered around I found myself there, standing in the training court at nigh thinking how strange it was and is between me and the prince.

How our eyes could not leave each other's bodies (more like his eyes but) and how I find him staring when he thinks am not looking and how red he gets when I notice him staring.

His just.....pure with a hint of curiosity.

It's like, there's a question there between us that needs to be asked and answered; a pressure in my chest each time he stares into my eyes, like his in search of something and maybe I too.

How badly I wanted to touch his face and his hands, lock them in a fame grip and just shove them closer to mine.

I stood there in the court thinking about this new development of mine, as my eyes met Poong Yeon's.

God! Dude is scary.

He stared at me intensely and has been doing so since I came to the palace.

I feel like his watches my every move, like a lion stalking it's pry, that's how he looks at me. I concluded he doesn't like me or I might irritate him in some way, especially after taking his only job in the palace (not my fault you didn't teach the kid.....what have you two been doing.)

And I've noticed too, he wasn't the only one not to like my sudden appearance to the palace.

Not everyone does(The queen).

The first time I got here, she gave me the eye and since then.....she finds fault in everything I do.

The third day I got into the palace she started at me weird in an investigative manner.

She tried touching me aggressively but I retaliated and I could say, I think I should have done better by calming down a bit but I felt agitated about my sudden change of environment and I flung her hand away aggressively.

She wasn't happy about it and all most slapped me.

The Crown Prince came to my aid (whatever want down between them I had no idea)

A week later I had a fallout with the Minister of War, who turned out to be the Queens father, while taking a stroll around the palace. I walked in on him discussing with his, what seemed to be his councilman.

He didn't seem too pleased about it when I worked in on them having what seemed to be an important meeting.

So there are to two main clans in the King's council: Kim clan which consist of Queen Yeon-Hee, Minister of war Kim Hun, Chief State Councillor Kim San-Ho, Left State Councillor Kim Sa-Hyung, Councillor Kim Jwa-Geun.

The Park Clan  consist of : Queen Sunwon (Grand Queen Dowager) the crowns Prince's grandmother, Right State Councillor Park Jung, Minister of Personnel the Grand Queen's Dowager younger Park Jong-Ja, Royal Secretariat Park Ki-Baek.

The Young Prince ran into me as I carried I and Hye food from the royal kitchen, which poured on the Young Prince's clothe.

God, why am I walking into uncomfortable situations? Please save me.

The Crown Prince came to my aid again as the Queen kept shouting at me(I had no idea was she was saying at first and was motioned by Hye to kneel with her)

I was so happy the Crown Prince showered or I would be stuck staring at the Queen give me the eyes.

I had no idea what he said but the young prince never came my way since that day but I could notice, the young prince stare from a distance....I bet he was intrigue and just wanted to approached but can't anymore due to the situation escalated by his mother.

Everytime she saw me, she......

Ever since then, I have been wary of her since then and her father, the prime minister.

I guess the words of my father; the words of my father replayed in my head over and over "Keep an eye on your enemies, so you won't be caught of guard and the other eye on your friends, so you wouldn't be betrayed" he told me when I was younger.

I don't think my Dad ever trusted anyone (what happened to him in the army?).

But what the hell!

This palace seems to be roaming with unfamiliar adversaries and who all hate the Prince.


And I wonder who's turn it is to move next in this game of Cheese.


So our girl just realized that she has some people to avoid in the palace.

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Peace Out

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