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Trigger warning ⚠ : mentions of gore, assault, decayed limbs, death and horror. Proceed at your own risk.

You remember that day of summer quite meticulously. Humid winds hustling in the air , bees and insects buzzing their way to collect nectar of flowers hiding between the green blades in the backyard and the mango tree standing straight with the juiciest yellow mango dangling through the branches while you miserably tried to point a palm-sized heavy stone at one in hopes you'd have the luck to bless your tongue.

Tossing it over your head ,the stone barely reached the height and instead made it to the neighbour's yard.

"Oh good heavens", an elderly voice spoke from behind and your little eight years old self turned to find the wrinkled lady looking at you with soft eyes. Nevertheless ,your eyes immediately glinted with joy "Grandma! You're awake!"

The lady chuckled a little while your little self sprinted towards her and wrapped hands around her waist. You looked at her with admirable eyes glinting with pure innocence and a smile tugged over your lips "Grandma I wish to eat those mangoes , could you get me one?" you asked keenly to which the women shot off a broken smile.

"Age doesn't allow me to perform tasks like that , little Y/N" she spoke ,an immediate frown and pout masking your face.

"But I really want to eat it......," you insisted in hopes she'd do something regarding it and you'll have the pleasure to get a taste of the delicious fruit.

The woman spoke no words and instead took your small soft little palm in hers"Let's tell Daddy to do it , shall we?"

You tentatively nodded and the woman guided you back indoors with her warm wrinkled hand. It was really odd how comfortable you were with her than you were with your mother and father. After guiding through the hallways, the two of you reached the kitchen right when your dad bursted out of the room while your mom was at her heels.

"Fuck you too! I'm done with you!"the man spat "I hope your home burn to shreds and you live like poor wench in my absence " he cursed

"Hah!Bold of you to assume I'd become a helpless whore. I'd be making more money than your corrupted cheater ass ever could!" your mom scoffed , raising her voice while your dad seemingly fleed.

"Mom?" you asked meekly "Where did dad go...?" you drawled in your melodious voice " I wanted to eat some mangoes....."

Your mother turned slamming the door shut "That bastard left and you're asking for mangoes..-!" your mom yelled before briefly pausing and sighing " That man isn't your dad anymore. "the woman replied curtly, obvious anger and irritation still lingering in her tone "And he's gone somewhere far out of our reach. Gone to someone he thinks more of a family than us. Insolent bastard even cursed us to end up on the streets! Ugh that-!" Your mom muttered a variety of curses out loud and your grandma immediately intervened.

"That's enough [Mother's name] " she scolded "Y/N is a child! Don't speak such words in front of a child!"

Your mother glanced a wondering look before scoffing "Ugh ,what a pain in the ass"

She strode back to her room and came out with some files and keys "I have some work to do.Take care of Y/N till then. It won't take long."

Devastating accident occurred at Helm Street where a head-on collision occurred between two cars. Reports say both the drivers died in the explosion. One of the victims was a recent divorcee L/N while the other belonged to....

A snap of fingers brought you out of the reverie "Still daydreaming during work hours ? How many times do I have to tell you to pay attention to your work ! Don't miss anything! Don't skip anything! Because of your fucking daydreaming you forgot to put the fucking salt in table number five's salad and sauce in table nine's pasta!" Your boss seemingly scolded you non stop but you couldn't really blame him for you were a forgetful piece of shit whenever you were in your reverie.

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