Prologue 2

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As the morning sun gently streamed through my window, I woke up to embrace a new day filled with possibilities and challenges. With determination in my heart, I quickly got out of bed, stretching my limbs as I prepared myself for the day ahead. I brushed my long, flowing hair to tame its wild nature, opting for a tight bun to keep it neat and out of my way.
For today's attire, I chose a simple yet comfortable look - a black t-shirt paired with baggy pants. As I slipped into my clothes, I relished the feeling of familiarity and ease they provided, a reflection of my own laid-back personality.

After a refreshing shower, I headed downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, instantly energizing my senses. I grabbed a quick bite, knowing that time was of the essence. My college bag was already packed, waiting patiently by the door, a constant reminder of the task at hand.

However, my morning took an unexpected turn when I glanced at the clock and realized I was running late. Panic started to creep in, and I quickly secured my bag on my shoulder, making sure to grab all the essential materials I needed for the day's classes.

As I rushed out the door, I couldn't help but worry about the implications of being late for college. My mind raced with thoughts of missed opportunities and the fear of not being able to catch up with the day's lessons. I knew that being late could set a bad precedent, and I was determined not to let that happen.

I stepped out onto the bustling streets, I tried to maintain my composure, though my heart pounded with each passing minute. I hailed a taxi and hurriedly gave the address to my college, praying that the driver would get me there in record time. Amidst the bustling traffic and honking horns, my mind continued to drift to the ticking clock. I had an internal battle between my worries and the hope that somehow, I would make it in time. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, and I clung to the belief that fate might be on my side today.

Soon I neared the college, my anticipation grew. The minutes seemed to stretch into eternity, and I felt as though I were racing against time itself. I held my breath as the taxi pulled up to the college gates, my heart pounding in my chest. My fate rested on the seconds that separated me from my destination.With bated breath, I stepped out of the taxi and rushed towards the college entrance, my bag swinging on my shoulder. I took one last deep breath before entering, ready to face the challenges of the day ahead, determined to make the most of every moment despite the initial setback.

In the halls of my high school, where the echoes of laughter and chatter filled the air, I, a simple high school girl with long, cascading hair, found myself captivated by a senior . With her short hair and tomboyish charm, she exuded an aura of confidence that drew me in like a moth to a flame. Little did she know that, in my private thoughts, I affectionately referred to her as Darlo.

It all began on a fateful morning when I was running late for college, hastily climbing the stairs. And there she was, Darlo amidst a group of friends engaged in conversation. The sight of her left me spellbound, and from that moment, I couldn't help but admire her immensely.

Throughout the day, Darlo lingered in my mind, becoming a persistent presence even during lectures. Her image painted itself on the canvas of my thoughts, filling my day with a sweet and innocent infatuation. I found myself lost in dreams of her laughter, her smile, and the way her eyes sparkled with excitement.

When I finally returned home, my thoughts continued to revolve around Darlo. I pondered the nature of my feelings, attempting to rationalize them as a mere teenage instinct. After all, don't we all experience these butterflies when we first step into the realm of high school?

Being in an all-girls college added another layer of confusion to my emotions. In the vast sea of friendships and camaraderie, why did my heart choose to set its anchor on Darlo? I questioned my own sexuality, trying to understand if I was simply a straight girl experiencing an innocent crush, or if there was something more profound and transformative about my feelings.

With each passing day, I grappled with the complexities of my emotions, yet remained hesitant to reveal them to Darla. The fear of judgment and rejection held me captive, locking away my heart's secret.

As the days turned into weeks , I realized that it was alright not to have all the answers at once. My feelings were valid, and I didn't have to rush to define them. Love, I discovered, transcended the boundaries of gender and societal norms.

So, I let my heart guide me through this labyrinth of emotions, knowing that the journey itself was significant. Every stolen moment I spent admiring Darla was a testament to my own vulnerability and authenticity.

As I conclude this chapter, I embrace the uncertainty of my feelings with open arms. I am still that high school girl with long, cascading hair, but now I am also a girl who dares to love and dare to explore her identity without fear or judgment.

Perhaps, one day, I will gather the courage to let Darla know the significance of her presence in my life. Until then, I cherish the beauty of my feelings, accepting them as a gift, and understanding that this chapter of my story is still unfolding, with many more pages yet to be written.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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