Chapter 48 - Plans Don't Work

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“Hell, no! She’s not going anywhere!” Jungkook shouted, scowling at Luna and Lucy, getting up from the couch in frustration

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“Hell, no! She’s not going anywhere!” Jungkook shouted, scowling at Luna and Lucy, getting up from the couch in frustration.

“Jungkook, you have to understand…”

“Understand?! You just told me she doesn’t have much longer but you wanna take her into Satan’s hell hole anyway?” He countered, voice raising slightly.

Amelia was growing impatient. She touched Namjoon's hand to get his attention and then asked him to come close so she could speak to him.

“What do you need?” He asked, eager to be helpful in some way.

“I need you kick him.”


“Or, I don’t know, slap his head, or something.”

Namjoon smirked in amusement but got up without Jungkook noticing, since he was still arguing with Luna, and then promptly smacked him in the head.

“Ow, the fuck?!” The guy complained, bringing his hand to the back of his head.

“Ya girl asked me to do that.” Namjoon said, sitting back down near Amelia.

“Why did you ask him to do that?”

“Because I’m too weak to get up and do it myself!” Amelia rasped out.

After that little moment with Lucy in the room, Luna had given her another dose of the potion, now stronger, and Amelia felt a little better. Jungkook’s blood was also helping, but lord knew how long that would hold. The guys kept giving her worried looks, especially Taehyung, who had a somber expression in his eyes. She had felt a tinge of guilt in her chest when noticing how Lucy’s eyes were a bit pink from crying. Crap… Lucy was not a crying person. For anyone. Amelia could count the times she had seen her mentor cry in her whole life. And Mina and Emily could probably add only one or two more times to that.

So, right now, her levels of guilt were over the roof.

Her voice wasn’t as week as she thought, but it was a little husky from coughing.

“Jungkook, I can’t stay home, I have to go as well.”

“I understand, you want to help too, baby, but you’re- “ He started, eyes softening, and looking down at her kindly.

Amelia rolled her eyes and grunted “If I'm not there when Lucy breaks the seal, my powers will dissipate into thin air! That’s exactly what I don’t want.”

“You were coughing blood not too long ago!”

“And if my powers disappear, I'll be coughing my heart out next! I get that you’re scared, but I need to be there when they break the seal.” She ended up exploding, panting when she was done from the exertion of speaking so much.

“We can help her all the way through. Me and Luna will stay with her while we look for Mina, It’s most likely safest.” Lucy reassured, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

“I know you’re worried, but we’re wasting time, Jungkook. We don’t really know what’s going on there, they could be performing the ritual now.” Emily mumbled, a little fearful of his reaction.

“Fine! We'll all go then.” Jungkook ended up saying, then storming out of the room in a rush, angry beyond belief.

Jimin was the one to get up and go after Jungkook, while Luna shooed everyone out of the room so she could help Amelia get ready to leave.

When Jimin reached downstairs, he peeked inside the small gun room under the stairs and saw Jungkook grumpily go through the displayers and pick out his regular two Berettas and their matching magazines, starting to place then in their holster and the inside of his leather jacket.

“Kookie?” Jimin called, studying the way the younger vampire was still scowling deeply.


His dry tone of voice was almost enough to make Jimin want to turn around and leave. Jungkook had always been the one with the most moody temperament, out of all of them. It was a little pointless to talk to him when he was like this, but Jimin still wanted to try.

“I just wanted to check on you.”

“I’m fine.” Jungkook was about to leave when his eyes finally caught Jimin’s and he sighed “Damn it… I’m sorry, I've been so caught up on Amelia’s health that I haven’t even tried to make sure you were alright…”

“That’s okay, I understand. I can’t blame you for feeling this way.” Jimin said, leaning on the door “I know how you feel, now. I know Mina is alive, even if I'm worried and scared she'll get hurt, but Emily is alive, so I have that to comfort me. But you don’t. Just a bunch of uncertainty.”

Jungkook looked down, nodding.

“You know, I never thanked you for helping me take care of Amelia, when we brought her.” Jungkook suddenly said “I’m really thankful for what you did.”

Jimin smiled a little.

“Of course I helped. She’s your mate.” He shrugged “Back then things were just about getting her better, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, and now we have four Witches in our house, along with a tiny, hippie Alchemist, you and Yoongi are mated, my mate is dying and we're about to go hunt demons because they stole Amelia’s magic.” Jungkook grumbled, raising an eyebrow “What a time to be alive, huh?”

“When you say it like that, it just sounds ridiculous.”

The trip would take at least five hours. No one had really slept after Emily had started the ritual, so everyone just got ready and inside the cars and left.

Lucy seemed much healthier than before, her migraines now gone and under control thanks to Luna’s care. Amelia was cozily tucked on the far seat of the SUV, her feet on Jungkook’s legs while her head was on Emily’s lap. The nice and familiar scent of peaches and thyme was all over her senses. The guys had made small talk, either to distract themselves or to come up with a plan to get inside.

Midway through the trip, Amelia sighed when Jin and Namjoon were discussing whether or not it would be safe to lure the demons out of the place they were keeping Mina. By the time Jin was arguing that they needed to wait to see what the pace looked like, she looked up at Emily.

“Hey, Em?”

The woman looked down from the window she had been staring out of yo look at Amelia, her blue eyes a little sad and worried. The whole time she had been there with Amelia, Emily had been providing healing energy, all the while touching Yoongi to replenish her own magic.

“What’s wrong?”

“Were you really mad at me for having my familiar so early?” She asked, remembering how Emily had stormed inside of the house, leaving Amelia kneeling on the ground, greeting her familiar, and Mina and Lucy behind in the garden.

“Pfff… Yes, I was pissed!” Emily said, instantly smiling at the memory “The fact you had managed to do it and not me really pissed me off.”

“I didn’t mean to make you mad, though.” Amelia forced a theatrical pout, her expression turning a little funny, and Emily saw her younger, sillier self, resurface.

“I mean, sure, now I know that. But back then, oh boy! I wanted to be good at everything, and you took that away, bitch.” Emily sarcastically said, earning a smile from the younger Witch.

Jungkook and Yoongi were now fondly listening to them, as the two exchanged memories.

“It’s whatever, now. I don’t really care. Besides, I’m still better than you at some stuff. Although, what the shit, girl, the Leviathan was you?!”

Amelia snorted “Of course it was me, who else has the power to summon that?”

“Stupid prodigy kid.” Emily mumbled, scrunching her nose.

“Y’all just mad that I’m better than you.”

“The amount of disrespect!” Amelia started to laugh, looking up at Emily, who was faking an annoyed frown and shaking her head “Stop laughing.”

“What, scared I’ll bust another lung?”

Jungkook’s facepalm was loud enough to bring the attention of everyone to the back seat. Emily gasped, and shook her head, even scowling at Yoongi who was trying, and failing miserably, to not laugh louder.

“Dear lord, don’t joke about that!”

“Well, my humor is already as dark as the pits of hell! If I can’t get some jokes now, that I’m dying, I don’t know when I’ll be able to do it!”

“Don’t do it, then!”

Amelia chuckled, being interrupted by a short fit of dry coughing “Fuck, I hate dying.”

When Emily groaned again, Amelia smiled, feeling a little more energized. Ever since Lucy brought her back from darkness, her body was in constant pain, chest always clenching harshly and aching. At this point, even breathing was becoming a chore. But something about talking like this with Emily was giving her a little bit more strength. Like nothing had changed and their banter was the one thing she took the most pleasure from.

“This idiot dying, here, and she makes jokes.” Emily leaned back on the seat, her left hand playing with Amelia’s hair “What’s gotten into you, anyway?”

“Well, if I can’t do shit to save my life, might as well annoy the hell out of yours!”

Yoongi snorted loudly and exploded in laughter, even Jungkook letting out a few giggles. Lucy was smiling and shaking her head, while Jin threw everyone off with that laughter of his. It made the ambience in the car less tense and the trip much less weighty.

Jin began to slow down when Lucy asked him to, saying that they were closer to the location the ritual had lead them to. It was a deserted countryside area, right on the very outskirts of the nearest town. Both SUVs were parked as far away as possible, so the group could get out of the cars and analyze the situation.

Lucy and Emily were standing next to each other, looking at the place.

It was an industrial looking construction, made out of brick, with tall windows and doors. It looked like an old factory, abandoned and a little run down.

“You think she’s in there?” Jimin asked, coming close to the two witches.

“She is. I can feel my blood in there.” Emily answered, nodding.

Amelia got out of the car, shivering a little when the wind brushed at her skin. It was the start of April, so it wasn’t as cold as it had been, but now, after the sun had set again, a storm was starting to form. The landscape looked a little desolate, grey and empty.

She approached Lucy, curious to overhear the conversation.

“We could try finding a way around the place to go inside, like we did last time.” Taehyung suggested.

“They may have more demons guarding all entrances, you know?” Hoseok said, frowning.

And then everyone was taking a turn at suggesting ways to go sneaky on the demons inside. It was starting to make Amelia impatient. Luna too, it seemed, seeing how the woman was now huffing and rolling her eyes.

“Can I suggest something?” Amelia ended up speaking out, raising a hand.

Emily smirked and turned her head to the younger girl “You’re not gonna ask we blow shit up, are you?”

“Of course not, Mina’s in there! And that’s my job, anyway.” Amelia leaned on the side of the front of the SUV “I was gonna suggest creating a barrier around the place to make sure the demons don’t shift. It’s easier to deal with them in human form and it will last a while, give us time. And then just go ham. There’s a storm coming up, Emily just bonded, so her powers are spiked. Just go through the front door.”

There was a small silence, where Lucy and Emily looked at each other.

“This is why she’s the stupid prodigy kid, we didn’t think about the barrier.” Emily ended up mumbling, shrugging.

“No, we didn’t. And Amelia’s right, your powers are spiked.” The sound of thunder, roaring and loud, interrupted Lucy’s speech and she smirked “And there is a storm.”

“But going through the front door? Are you insane?” Jin asked, looking between all three of them.

“No, but I know them and Mina.” Amelia nodded towards Lucy and Emily “And I know for a fact that there is not a single plan that works. They never do.”

That lightened the mood again, with Lucy letting out a chuckle and Emily faking an offended face at Amelia, who shrugged. When some of the guys laughed, Hoseok snorted.

“You idiots are laughing but we’re much worse.” That shut everyone up, all of them trying to put a more serious face, having the four women snicker at all seven of them.

Emily and Lucy made their way so they were facing the entrance, a few meters away from where the cars were parked but still maintaining a good distance from the old building. The wind wheezed and another thunder rolled out from between the dark clouds above, at the same time the two Witches started the incantation, their voices mingling together harmoniously.

Amelia sighed, feeling a little melancholic over the sound of Lucy’s and Emily’s voices mingling together. Luna placed the back of her fingers on her forehead and frowned.

“You okay?” She mumbled.

“This spell would be easier with three people…” Amelia grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

“That’s not what I asked.”

“My chest hurts. But it’s fine, nothing to be done.” She grumbled again.

Luna sighed, her stare analyzing Amelia’s face for a second before turning and going to the car she had taken with Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin to pull out her things.

Namjoon was watching a stream of ribbons start to flow around the old building when his phone rang, a strange sound in comparison with the beautiful singing from the spell.

“Ellie? What’s up?”

“Namjoon, where the hell are you?” Ellie basically shouted from the other end of the line, her voice as if she had been panting and cracking slightly at the end.

“Uh… we found where Mina is, we’re about to go inside. Why, what’s wrong?” He frowned at her little whimper. Some of the guys looked up at him in confusion.

“Ellie?” Luna asked, looking at Namjoon. When he nodded, the short woman gestured for him to give her the phone, which she put on speaker “Hey, love, it’s Luna. What did you see?”

A breath of relief was heard from the other end, before Ellie began to shakily speak.

“Something’s wrong… I keep seeing Amelia bleeding…”

“Don’t worry, we’re about to get her powers back- “

“No, when I see her- “ Ellie took in another trembling sigh “In my vision she had her powers with her. There’s another woman there… “

At this point, Luna frowned and earned a few looks from the guys and Namjoon was ready to hop on a car and go to Ellie’s that exact instant. Her soft sob on the phone made him a little on edge.

“Another woman?” Luna put the phone back to her ear, now a little serious “Who did you see?”

“There was blood on the floor, fire… I saw demons with her, like they were obeying her… Is everyone alright?”

“Listen, Ellie, I need you to calm down and do something for me, alright?” Luna asked, beginning to give her instructions on an easy little potion to make at home, so she could calm down. When Ellie agreed with a small voice, Luna sighed “Everyone is alright, okay? I’ll ask Namjoon to go see you when we’re done, that sound good?”

Ellie agreed one more time, before the call ended with some hesitance on her side.

“We’re done! The barrier will hold for a while.” Lucy called, taking a few steps towards the cars.

“Lucy, Ellie just called. I think the ritual- “


Emily’s loud yelp pierced through the earie silence, creating a strange atmosphere around the place. She grabbed her forearm tightly and her eyes screwed shut. Yoongi was by her side in an instant, looking her over to figure out what was going on.

“Lucy, they have her blood…” Emily staggered out, her palm lifting from her skin and revealing a sharp, long and pink mark, that resembled a cut, on her forearm.

“Fuck… Ellie saw the consequences of the ritual happening.” Luna hurriedly said, looking at the older Witch with wide eyes.

~ Sass 😘
(Shit's about to hit the fan!)

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