I Forgive You

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"So that's him?" Kaina asked readying her Gun and taking aim

"Yeah.... That's him" Overhaul replied sitting down against the door to the Rooftop

"So young..... *Sign* just get it over with" Kaina said firing a Shot at the Green hero, knocking his phone out of his hand

"You, the one in the Green Suit, Deku. Your Coming with me Dead or Alive, Behave properly and you get to live and i'll let you keep your limbs as a bonus" Kaina said to the Hero Through her Bullet

After a few Seconds pass She spots the hero Suddenly side stepping so she Fires another Shot which Deku manages to barely dodge

She was able to see that this Hero Deku, using some kind of Black tendril was trying to Close the gap between them so she fired multiple shots at him to slow him down and injured

However despite the amount of time Her Bullets had managed to graze him He was still closing the Gap due to how fast he was moving with the combination of those Black Tendrils and whatever other quirk he had that was causing Green Lighting to shoot off his body

"Guess that explains how he's managed to dodge more then one of my Bullets. Would have been nice to know he has more then one Quirk All For One. Guess i do need to use it" Kaina said as she put on a respirator Mask that covered her whole face, letting a small but of her hair out as she retracted her Gun

"Boss..." Overhaul mumbled

"Geez *Grabs Him* hide out in here till i'm back" Kaina said moving Overhaul to inside the Stairway

She then looked back out and didn't see Deku, so she jumped over the Edge and using the quirk she was given by All for One, started jumping through the air while using her Gun to help propel herself faster

"I did give him the chance to live..... Just get the Job Done, Just one more life i need to take and i'll be able to see him again. Just one more and i'll be able to See the one light left in my life... My Otouto" Kaina thought as she remembered the Agreement that She made with All For One back at the Prison


"Ah the Famed 'Lovely Lady' Greetings" All For One said going up to Kaina

Kaina remained quiet while putting Overhaul down

"Not in the Mood to Speak, that's fine. I'll get to the point, i'm requesting you Kill a Hero" All for One Asked

Kaina just Glared back at All For One as a response

"I knew you'd probably refuse since i once was one your Hit list but it doesn't hurt to ask. So let me give you some reason to accept my request, Izuku Midoriya--" All For One said but was cut off

"IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT HURTING THAT BOY!!-" Kaina Yelled unleashing her Rifle and aiming it right at All For One's Head

"If you wish for him to be Safe then all you have to do it accept my Hit Request Lady Nagant. But if you do Kill him i ask that you bring back a Vile of his Blood. Heck I'll even sweeten the Offer, I will give you a Quirk to help aid you in my request though you will need a Respirator Mask to handle the Quirk and once this is done i'll bring you to where he is" All For One said still in his calm tone lightly pushing the Barrel of her Rifle to face away from his head

Kaina just stood there to think, but there really wasn't anything to think about. This was about her Killing a Hero, a Random hero she's never heard of for the Sake of her Little Brothers Survival, even if he Didn't remember her after all this time She promised herself that She Would Protect Him

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