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It was noon on a Sunday and seven year old Silas Rodriguez was sat on his bed crying. His big brothers left him out of their game- again.

All of a sudden, Silas' door opened and three year old Luna waddled into his room, nearly seeing his upset state.

"Si?" She questioned, waddling over to his bed.

He quickly wiped his eyes and blinked the remaining tears away simultaneously, before turning to face his little sister.

"Yeah baby?"

She attempted to scramble up onto his bed, using all of her strength to climb up. After a few useless attempts, Silas chuckled and lifted her from under her arms and sat her on his lap sideways.

"Do you want to come get ice cream with me, Thee and Lulu?" She asked, turning her head to meet his eyes.

To anybody else, it would have been clear as day that Silas had been crying, but Luna was wonderfully oblivious.

"Yeah, sure baby," Silas replied, hugging her small body to his and resting his chin on top of her head, closing his eyes and blowing a breath out.

"I love you Si."

"I love you too baby, I'll be downstairs in 5 minutes okay?" He asked, letting go of her.

"Okay!" She replied, taking off running back downstairs.

Silas had felt lonely minutes before that. He felt as though nobody in the family cared for him.

Luna brought his smile back to his face, just by asking him if he wants to spend time with her.


Santiago's POV:

Lucien pulled Silas away from Luna and held him back by the arms as he struggled to get out of his grasp.

Once Theo, I guess, had carried Luna upstairs with the rest of their best friends and their 'Dad' hot on their tail, Luce let him go.

On their way up, Luna was screaming at Theo in what sounded like Romanian.

I wonder if they've ever been there?

Now, I don't like that she's calling some random man about 10 years older than me: dad, but if she trusts him, that's up to her. She said she's known him since she was 6, and if he had ill intentions, she would have seen them by now.

Lucien took a deep breath in, and pulled his hand down his face.

"What happened?"

"She just started attacking me out of nowhere!" Silas exclaimed, blatantly lying while Ezra folded his arms, looking conflicted.

"No. You provoked her," I spoke, getting shocked looks from everybody because, come on, I don't speak. Well not that much. I prefer to observe, and only speak when it's necessary.

"You were saying stuff about that Levi guy, then about dad, then called her a slut for having guy friends, and calling Levi dad. Even when her best friend had a hold on her, and she didn't say anything, you carried on. It's on you, don't try to twist the truth." I finished, spinning on my heel and walking up the stairs to go meet Theo and check on Luna.

When I was walking away, I heard Lucien sigh and say, "go to the third floor, get your injuries checked out and then come to my office."

Luna's POV:

"La ce naiba te gândeai?" Theo asked, standing in between my legs, and continuing our Romanian yelling match, while the others waited in my room.

(What the hell were you thinking?)

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