The 2nd Bus Ride

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Well Kasey kept to her word and rode the bus and right when she saw me zoom there she is sitting right with me! She sat down and said "Hey baby!" I laughed as always and said "Hey darling!"
Well the bus was packed and there was this really annoying guy standing up right by her and so I told her that she could sit in my lap so one of them could sit down and she said "I don't want him to sit with us! No way!" So I laughed and he heard and was playfully hitting her so I said "you better quit hitting my girl or I'll beat your ass!" Well he didn't so I hit him and he finally sat across from us and left us alone.
When she was getting off some asshole grabbed her ass and she looked at me and said " who did that so I stood up and told her who it was so she turned around and yelled at him to keep his nasty hands off her so I laughed and said "I'll grab your ass kasey" and she laughed so I only grabbed a little bit and she laughed so hard and said "okayy baby!" Then she got off but of course she said "bye baby" before she left!

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