Chapter 3- Phases

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Tears. Tears that tore through hearts. Wails and choked sobs were what filled our ears. We'd managed to wrap bandages around Nadwe's chest, to unprofessionally try to stop the bleeding. We gave him actual pain medicine, and in an agonizing panic he snatched the container out of my hands. I had to wrestle his vampire side in order to stop him from overdosing.

I sat in the chair, on my phone next to Nad. He still lay on the couch, staring at the ceiling. It'd been about an hour since Socks was here in the kitchen. No one has seen him since. It'd been an hour since he was bleeding out from the shoulder, not to mention the vital organs in his chest.

Meme sat on the floor, his head resting on the same cushion Nadwe's feet lay limp. He wanted to stay nearby in case anything had to be done, or Nadwe needed anything.


Nadwe could barely mutter my name before coughing out a surge of blood. I couldn't help but flinch back into the chair, thinking of how I could sink my eyes into my skull like a lizard. That way, I wouldn't have to watch Nadwe suffer like this. Meme immediately sprung into action to help Nadwe sit up, making sure he wouldn't choke to death. Like he could, anyway. With the help of a stern pat on his back, he took a ragged breath in.

"Don't breathe in too quickly, if you can help it. Your one lung is having a hard time already,"

Nadwe nodded, and strenuously clawed at the air for my phone, his hands covered in his own dried blood. I handed it to him, my hand beginning to shake uncontrollably as he opened the search engine, typing: "Water".

I understood that he meant, "I want a cup of water". I ran into the kitchen, and came back just as fast with what he asked for, as my eyes struggled to peel away from the blood pool that was a mix of Socks', Nadwe's, and apparently Gulvic's blood. My chest got tight and I felt my fingers spazzing out as I sat back in my chair, sinking into it like it would protect me from any and all. I handed the cup of water to him for my phone, and  smiled as Nadwe took a small sip of water. Meme still stood beside Nadwe, with a hint of remorse in his eyes. I asked,

"Are you alright?"

Cookie-Monster man sent a small glare in my direction, clearly telling me to shut my mouth. I looked to the side, annoyed that he wouldn't open up. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw purple and golden yellow. TBVG and Joocie.

Within the past hour, everyone had come in at some point to see the damage dealt- even Dino. Joocie took a look at the splutters of blood in the kitchen, asking,

"So what are we going to do about... that?"

Meme answered for me, more annoyed than before,

"Whatever they did for me and Woolf."

"Which was?"

Getting the same glare as before from Meme, I sighed,

"I can try cleaning it all up, don't worry about-"

"No, it's fine. You have a thing about blood, do you not?"

I stared at Joocie in a nervous kind of frenzy. I swallowed my spit, making my mouth dry. I stuttered, tripping over my thoughts.

"I-I insist, you're guests that shouldn't have anything to do with anything—"

"You had to sit out of biology classes during the dissections. There's no way you can handle human blood."

Joocie was right. I pressed my lips together, really not wanting him and TBVG to clean up human blood off the tile floor. It's seeped between the tiles by now. I'm sure. I don't know how they were so calm. My heart was racing in my chest as I thought about the sight of blood. The conversation reminded me of when Woolf was shot. I stepped in his blood. The blood that crept across the floor was the same that crawled up my foot. It was warm. It was watery and gooey at the same time. The thought that the substance also surged through me— my own arteries and veins— made my hands shake and my legs fall numb. It felt like I couldn't move. I was drowning in my own racing river of thoughts, and I was slowly inching toward rapids every millisecond that passed.

"Fine, I—" I paused to sigh, exasperated with the whole thing. I repeated, "Innocent people are dying and hurting and it kills me."

Thought you should at least have what I had of chapter 3 before I stop working on this version of TS. If you don't know, I'm rewriting the WHOLE FLIPPING PLOT OF TS1 AND THE REST, so add OCTS to your reading lists if you haven't already :)!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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