The Accident .

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Makayla Scott.

"So let me get this straight, you hung out with a boy all night, Stacey told you to get lost because you was flirting with her boyfriend that wasn't her boyfriend and she's really a crazy ex, mystery boy told Stacey off and came searching for you, when he found you; you two started making out and when you stopped it turned out mystery boy was Antony? As in Antony miller the boy who told you to fuck off freshman year?!" Claire says sitting on my bed as I walk back and forth regretting life choices.

"Yes Claire the Antony miller and once I ran out the room he tried to follow me but I just kept going, I'm going to be the topic the rest of the year" I say flopping down in a beanbag chair.

"Trust me your incident was privately done, if anything that whole Stacy blow up will be the talk of the year" she says.

"God I hope so Claire I just want to go back to being Ms. Nerdy girl," As I close my eyes I dream about last night.
"Makayla? Wait what are you doing here? You never seemed like the type to party..."

Antony miller... somebody I've tried to avoid the rest of my life, and here I am sitting here after making out with somebody I dreaded the most.

"I have to go." I get up fixing myself and grabbing my mask. "Wait there's so many things I need to know, since when did you start doing things like this?" He questions as I walk out the room and he follows behind.

"Antony get lost." I say walking down the hall adjusting my mask, "so you're just going to make out with me then once I finally found out who you are you ditch me?" He says picking up his speed to catch up with me.

I turn around finally confronting him, "look Antony if I would've known it was you from the start none of this would've happened trust me."

He gives me a confused looked before speaking, "but why I thought we were friends?"

"Ha friends? Friends? After you sent me a text over three years ago stating you want nothing to do with me? And I honestly hope that you don't think just because our parents are friends that we are too. Because let's not forget you stated clearly that I was a nobody to you and I needed to stop being around you." I say turning around and continuing down the hall.

He didn't bother to even stop me again, he just stood there processing everything I just said.
Honestly that lifted a weight off my shoulder, I just wish it hadn't went down like that.
"Earth to Kayla??" Claire says snapping out of my train of thoughts. "Yea sorry I zoned out" I say sitting up to look at her.

"I was saying that somebody is blowing up your Instagram messages" throwing me my phone.

I'm not shocked that people
Are texting me on IG, I mean I have over 1,000 followers from just little things I post and my blog I started last year. But this wasn't a person sending me topics for my blog or requesting to send me a outfit they've been working on.

This was Antony.

Hey, I know we ended things on a bad note again last night I was hoping we could meet up to talk about it?

How did you get my insta?
And why do we need to talk I already told you I don't want to speak to you.

Just listen to me, we need to talk this out I want to rekindle our friendship Makayla.

Why? Because we made out once and you just want to have sex with me? Yea fuck off Antony

10178 east palm street
Just meet me at this address I want to talk to you in person.

"Soo are you going to go see him?" Claire questions, "please I'm not dumb like these other girls, Antony only wants sex from me and it's not happening absolutely not." I say closing out our messages.

"Well as your bestfriend I say you should go and talk to him, I mean what's the worse that could happen?" She shrugs.

"Oh I don't know maybe I show up and he 'confesses his dying love for me' and I fall for it and his friends come out of no where recording my embarrassment of believing him making me seem desperate?" I say getting up.

"You're overthinking again Kay, I promise it's going to be okay plus I'll take you so you can tell me all about it when you're finished" she says. I give in but only to make her stop talking.

I get dressed in a pair of black cargos and a long sleeve black shirt tucked, just something simple and easy.

"Let's get this over with" I say grabbing my phone and walking out the room, I'm very annoyed at the fact I'm doing this right now. If things don't go good with this I might just transfer schools or even beg my mom to do homeschool until college starts.

The address wasn't far from my house, actually it was a close by park that I'm very fond of. It's around 6pm and the sun is starting to set, there's only two cars one I'm guessing is Antony's and the other one being ours.

"I hate when you do that" Claire says backing into a spot. "Do what?" I ask looking out the window.

"When you start picking at your nails, then you start doing this weird breathing thing. Just relax okay? Its going to be fine" she states out something I didn't  even realize I was doing.

I just can't help things like that, my Anxiety is horrible when it comes to things like this. It just happened to get worse over the years.

I only nod my head and wipe my knees building up the confidence to get out the car.

Antony probably noticed us because I heard a car door shut and a saw a figure walking along the side walk shortly after.

I grab my phone taking one long deep breath and exit the vehicle.

Here goes nothing.

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