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Bluey downloaded Tiktok and opened it. It was asking for a email so she put in her school email she had to have. Bluey put all the information the program just changed the year she was born because it didnt let her put her real year she was born.

Bluey was a fast learner so she soon learned that the app shows  short video clips, to see more of them you have to scrool.

There were many funny videos, some of them she didnt understand. She was scroling for a while now and got tired. She turned of the phone and put it in the box under her bed and went to sleep.

Next morning

It was 11am

"Good morning, Bluey, you slept a while is everything okay" asked Bandit "aawh, yes everything is okay is breakfast ready?" Yawned Bluey "yes, Bingo almost ate all of them" responted Bandit "Bingos already here?" Bluey felt happy because she can apoligise about yesterday "Yes, she waned to leave early , she felt bad about yesterday and want to apoligise " Bandit said . Bluey ran to the living room "Bingo! Im so sorry you were right your game your rules." "No, it okay your were the mum i was wrong Charles should have been a bad child" Bingo ran to hug her sister. They both hugged each other. Bandit and Chilli watched them, they were happy of how their children have turn out.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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