Chapter 1

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Celaena gazed out at the horizon and watched Rowans retreating hawk form dissapear from veiw. She pulled her heavy hood of her hair, fastened her black lace mask over her telltale features and stalked below deck.

She pushed the door to her cabin open and sureyed the space infront of her. It had taken a dagger to the captains throat to get a private room and yet it was almost as miserable as her cell back in Mistward: The bed, if you could call it that, was a bail of hay covered with a threadbare blanket; There was a mirror precariously placed in the corner atop a small rotting wooden dresser and the floorboards were damp and smelled like mould. She scowled at the room and resisted the urge to slam the door shut.

Celaena walked over to the corner of the room and pulled up the loose board to reveal her stash of weaponry. She selected her long, wicked looking hunting knives and concealed them in the small leather straps around her ankles. She pulled her pant leg over them, making sure they were properly disguised. She also drew a curved longsword, strapped it to her back, draping her cloak over it and making sure it was easily accessible. She replaced the board and knelt to check her reflection in the grime covered mirror: her hair was perfectly concealed by the heavy crimson hood she wore and the shadow it cast hid her features nicely. The mask kept her ussually bright eyes dim. She would not be recognised, because if she was it would create a major setback in her plan.

After checking the room for spyholes, secret entrances, exits and any other surveillances. Celaena decided to rest, yes the bed was uncomfortable and demeaning but she needed sleep. She scratched the door hinges with her blade so they screeched loudly whenever the door opened, making sure it would alert her of intruders and lay back on the straw bed.

Celaena sat down on the floor of her room and stared at the door. She heaved a sigh and the details of her plan flashed through her mind, the consequences of failing would obviously cost her her life and possibly her friends lives too. Rumour had it that Dorian and Aedion where both imprisoned in the palace. Which meant that the king knew about Dorians magic and that meant... No she didn't need these distractions. She shook her head to clear it of the swirl of thoughts inside and moved to the bed to try to rest.

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