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"What are yer doin'?!"

Her father's booming voice made Jordyn look up from the candle she lit. "Lighting a candle?" She said, furrowing her brows.

"Jody, you know how your mother gets when she sees Christmas decorations around the house. Put it away before she comes down."

Of course Jordyn knew how agitated her mother became. She experienced it numerous times in the past. Wherever Eliana spotted an ounce of Christmas spirit, she was eager to crush it.

Therefore, Jordyn never actually celebrated Christmas. Her mother forbade everything that had to do with it – presents, songs, movies... And the list went on.

One time, Eliana explicitly told Jordyn not to get coerced into the Christmas craziness. It would feed on her soul, she said. That must have been some time in Jordyn's early childhood. She remembered her abuelos having to calm her down for the next few years once Christmas time came around.

Now that Jordyn had grown up and her parents did not have to lie about the reason for Eliana's contempt around Christmas, they had welcomed their own tradition. Their anti-Christmas.

This meant spending their day totally normally, pretending the day was like any other day of the year. They still used it to spend time together as a family, just not under the pretense of a certain holiday.

Jordyn met her father's wide-eyed stare with a blink. "Is it a crime wanting the room to smell nice? It's a scented candle, for god's sake. Not even a Christmas-themed one..."

"It's close enough," Craig said, waving for her to remove the candle, which she refused.

Their heads snapped toward the incoming steps on the staircase and Craig acted fast. He snatched the candle from the table and hid it behind his back. Jordyn had to suppress an eye roll at his behavior. Still, she supported his act by swiftly locking her hands behind her back as well.

As Eliana entered through the door, Jordyn put on a smile and greeted her, "Good morning, Mamá."

"Morning," Craig mumbled.

"Hey, you two. What are you up to?" Eliana eyed her husband and daughter with suspicion, noting their identical innocent smiles.

"Nothing," Jordyn answered with a nonchalant shrug.

If it weren't for Craig's subsequent hiss, Eliana might have almost believed it. He yanked his hand forward and waved it around, trying to ease the pain he felt.

Eliana looked worriedly at her hurting husband and took a step forward to clasp his hand in hers and examine it. There she found a slight burn. "What happened to your hand?"

"Oh, nothing," Craig waved off.

His wife narrowed her eyes at him and sniffed the air around him, leaning forward to smell his shirt. "You got a new cologne?"

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