Money issues & Caught.

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*Two hours later*

Francesca's Pov:

Diego and I spent over an hour in that taxi, and Diego paid almost £100, this all happened because the taxi driver in fact didn't know where Palermo was! When the taxi driver finally drove us to the right place Diego paid and we both went our separate ways.

We decided that we'll go half and half with the money, at first Diego wanted to pay for it all but I couldn't let him do that so now I need to find £50 out of somewhere.

Anyway all that out the way I decided to go home. Once I got home the door was locked and I didn't't have a spare key on me. I started banging on the door.

Fran *Shouting*: LUCAAA! Open the door! Lucaaa!!

There was movement from inside the house and suddenly the door burst open and there was Luca standing, looking at me with a very annoyed look on his face.

Fran *Smirking*: What's that look for? I just wanted to come home.

Luca: Don't push it. Where's your key?

Fran: In my room.

I then walk in whilst pushing past Luca. I go to the kitchen and get a biscuit then run up to my room. I get to my room and call Camilla.

*Phone Convo*

Cami: Hey Fran, what's up?

Fran: Nothing much, I just want to know how you suggest I make £50.

Cami: Why do you need to make £50?

Fran: I'll tell you another time. Well?

Cami: I don't know a job maybe?

Fran: I've got an idea! Thanks, bye.

*Phone Convo Over*

I can ask Luca if I can get more hours and get paid for working at the Resto Bar!


Violetta's Pov:

I can't believe what I just saw. My boyfriend Diego with that girl Francesca! Getting out of a taxi! Together! The worst thing is that Diego paid for both of them, I can't believe him! I need to call Federico.

*Phone Convo*

Fede: Hey Vilu.

Vilu: Hi, I need your help.

Fede: What with?

Vilu: Destroying Francesca as soon as possible!

Fede: Okay, how about we talk tomorrow. I'll meet you in the park at 11?

Vilu: Okay, see you tomorrow!

*Phone Convo Over*

All I feel right now is hatred. Hatred for Francesca!


Hope you like this chapter. x

Next chapter will be Fedeletta!

Also I know that they don't use £s in Buenos Aires but oh well.

Also sorry for not updating in a while, I've just had no inspiration to write and no ideas what to write! So, sorry for a boring chapter :(

Thanks for reading! Xx

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