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Joshua sat on the bleachers, a large book in hand as he flipped to the first page. He began to read, flipping through pages but far too distracted by what's going on at the field in front of him.

His boyfriend, Jeonghan, had a practice today, covered in sweat as he watched the boy play soccer- no, it's not called that here; he had to remind himself. He was an amazing player, enough to make it to the varsity level. Shua watched all of his games, all of his practices although there was no one in the bleachers with him. He played it off as just finding a spot to read without many people, though he didn't pay attention to his books much.

Once they were done with their practice, Jeonghan looked up at the bleachers, smiling as he spotted Joshua in his usual seat. He wanted Jeonghan to join him, and wanted to kiss him in front of the whole team; but he couldn't. Shua didn't know why their relationship had to be a secret, though he had several ideas that ran through his mind constantly, painful ideas. Maybe Jeonghan is embarrassed of Joshua being his boyfriend, or maybe Han would be kicked out of the team for being gay and dating the schools "nerd." The ideas would normally lead Joshua in tears, having to go to Jeonghan's bed secretly and cuddle him until he calmed down a bit.

Shua flinched as someone sat down right next to him, pulling him from this thoughts as the boy's hand quickly found Joshua's as he helt it tightly.

"You alright darling?" Joshua looked up to see no other than jeonghan. He was covered in sweat, hair sticking to his forehead and his already tight clothes clung to his slim body.

"Why are you up here?? What if they see?" Jeonghan just shrugged, looking down at the field to see it cleared out fully.

"No one will, they're all in the lockers." Jeonghan lifted Joshua's hand to his lips, kissing his knuckles before placing a small kiss to his cheek.

Joshua looked up in embarrassment, glancing around the field as he searched for someone, anyone who could have seen.

"Baby, no one can see us, now can I please get a little kiss back?" Joshua looked at his face, looked at how the sweat ran down his cheeks and the soft smile he had.

Joshua lifted his hand to the boy's cheek, pushing his sweaty hair behind his ear as he kissed his soft cheek, well... He thought he did. Jeonghan turned his head slightly, kissing shua on the lips before he pulled away. Joshua simply smiled, knowing that Jeonghan does that a lot, even in public.


The next few days roughly went the same, Joshua sitting a little too far from his boyfriend in all the classes he has with him. Although Jeonghan sat as close as he possibly could to Shua without suspicion about their relationship, He wanted him closer.

They only had one class where they sat together, being the last class of the day. The desks fit two people, and by chance, they sat together. Shua walked in class the first day to see all the seats filled but the one by his boyfriends side, and he was so happy it was saved for him. In that class, every day, Jeonghan would rest his hand on the younger's thigh under the table, gently squeezing the soft skin through his jeans.

Today, sitting in that class, his whole mood felt a little... Off... Shua doesn't know how to describe it, but the boy was just so fidgety. The olders hand was holding his thigh like he always did, pressing his nails into the skin. In one swift motion, Jeonghan's hand moved up his leg, his fingers teasing his hip bones gently.

Shua looked over at the boy, his attention fully on Joshua's body.

"Han-ie? You... alright?" Jeonghan snapped his veiw up, eyes falling to his lips and his pupils blown wide.

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