Chapter 4

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Nearly a week passed since the Avengers rescued Leia. She spent most of her time with Thor (because he's her uncle), with Wanda (because of their similar power) and Peter (because he was the only one of her age). 

She was living a pretty good life, until Tony told her that they could visit her fake family. 

"What?! Do I really have to go?" she moaned at Tony.

"Yes you do, and you can take four people with you, including me,"


She finally gave in.

"I want Uncle Thor to come with me, Wanda," she counted on her fingers, "The last person will be Peter,"

All the Avengers were shocked. Peter? Thor and Wanda obviously, Tony had to go, but Peter? What had he done to her so that she would let him go?

"Why did you choose me? Not that I'm complaining or anything," Peter mumbled the last part. 

"You are my only friend around here that's my age and you help me control my emotions," Peter slightly blushed at her explanation. 

The Avengers looked at each other shrugging, not understanding what the two teens were talking about. 

<<<<<Time skip to an hour later>>>>>

The four Avengers plus Leia entered the hospital. They could all feel the staring from all the other people in the room. Peter and Leia weren't used to all this attention. They blushed and searched for each other's hands with success. 

"This is their room, please be gentle," the doctor informed them.

They entered, shocking the Miller family. 

"Are you here to tell us that she is under arrest?" Mr Miller eagerly asked. 

But that was the first mistake that he made. 

"What do you mean if she's under arrest?!" Peter shouted, ignoring Tony's frown.

"You have abused her during all of her life! You have starved her, beaten her, enslaved her! SHE ISN'T THE ONE UNDER ARREST YOU FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT!" 

Everyone was shocked, Peter never swore. They must have done something terrible for Peter to start swearing. 

"Peter, look at me," Leia tried to calm him down, "Look at me Peter. You need to calm down. I know it's usually the way round, but let me help you, the way you help me."

Peter's breathing was getting faster by the minute. His eyes were big, his whole body was shaking. He gasped.

"He's having a panic attack! Get a nur-" Tony started to give orders.

"No! That'll make it worse, just trust me, please," the teen girl begged. She turned back to Peter, grasping his hands.

"Look at me Pete, they aren't worth it. I know they aren't the best people in the world, but that shouldn't make you react like that. No, no, no. Look at me, only me. Breathe in, good, and breathe out," she took one of his hands, putting it on her chest, "You can feel me breathing? Good, now copy it. Breathe in and breathe out, excellent," she carried on exaggerating her breaths for Peter until he gained control. 

"Thanks," he whispered.

She looked into his eyes, a weak smile on both of their faces. They embraced each other, as if they weren't planning on letting go. 

"Remember this, I'm with you 'til the end of the line," she muttered in his ear.

"With you 'til the end of the line," he repeated after her.

They stayed in that position until Thor interrupted them, "Are we going to extract information from these mortals or not?"

They all nodes in agreement.

"Before you try to hide information," Tony started, "I can send you to prison without a trial and make you all stay there for a lifetime, Thor would be willing to use violence, we have two mind readers and someone who you don't want to see when he's mad," he tried to intimidate the Millers. 

"We won't say a word!" Mrs Miller screeched. 

Wanda and Leia shared a look. They focused on the Miller's thoughts without success.

"They are blocking their thoughts,"

Tony groaned. 

"I'll take care of it Mr Stark,"

Peter webbed their mouths close, their hands stuck together, and same for their feet. 

"What are you waiting for," Peter questioned his team, "Lets take them to the compound for interrogation,"

Leia OdisonWhere stories live. Discover now