Old "friends"

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Drake's P.O.V

I stare at the six pale figures in utter shock. I blink and rub my eyes, hoping that this is some fucked up dream.

They're still there.

'Uh, hello? Earth to Drake?'

'He looks like he's seen a ghost.'

'Not funny, Jeremy.'

'Oh shut up, Suzie, you like my jokes-'

"This can't be happening..." I mutter. "You...you're supposed to have moved on. I saw your spirits leave, I saw you move on to the afterlife. Why are you still here?"

'Because we need your help.'

I stared at Charlie dumbfounded. "Me? Help? How the fu-"


"Right, right, the whole language thing. How the fudge-nuggets am I supposed to help the six of you? Last time I checked, you're all dead! There's nothing I even can do."

'That's where you're wrong, Drake.'

"Oh really, Gabriel? How so?" I say, arms crossed.

'Tell us, besides you and Mike, who else can see us spirits?'

"Uh, no one."

'Exactly, therefore no one else can help us move on, for real this time.'

"What are you talking about?"

'When your "buddy" burned down the pizzeria, he didn't do as much good as he hoped he would.'

'Sure, Afton freed our souls, but he didn't help is move on. The only way to do that is to get the closure that each of us needs."

"So, like some unfinished business type of thing?" I ask.

'Yeah, pretty much.'

I stare at them with a hint of sympathy in my eyes. 'These poor souls...' I think to myself.

"Okay... I'll help you guys."


'You will?'

"Only because what Spring did to you guys was horrible, and I don't wanna be surrounded with the dead for the rest of my life." I say. Their faces light up.

'Oh, thank ye lad!'

'Yøu đon't know höw mūch thať məans to u§.'

"Okay, now, where do we start?"

'My parents...they probably still live in this town. Can we go see them, please?'

Suzie asks, a hopeful smile on her face. I flash her a small smile and let out a sigh.

"Okay." I say defeatedly.

'Yaaaay! I get to see my parents! I get to see my parents!'

"Whoa, calm down, were not going until Saturday." I say. Susie stares at me, her eyes wide with disappointment.


"Because I have work Form Monday night to Saturday morning, and I don't get days off until March. So we're going on Saturday." I say sternly. Susie groans in annoyance.

'Fine. But what am I supposed to do until then?'

"Stay here with the others and watch TV, or something. I dunno, what do dead kids like to do for fun?"

'Playing guitar!'

'Baking cupcakes.'

'Sendin' ol' sea dogs off the plank!'


'Jůmpsčarë peøpłe!'

I let out a tired sigh as they continue listing things they like to do. "This is gonna be a long day-"

I hear something shattering behind me. I whip my head around and find multiple pieces of shattered glass and orange juice all over the floor, at Mike's feet. I look up at his shocked and horrified face.

"Uh...morning, Mike. Look who came to pay us a visit." I say nervously. A short second after, he falls to the ground, unconscious.


Hello again everyone. I'm sorry for the wait, as usual, but I honestly didn't know where to go with this chapter. But now, I feel like I have a pretty decent way of ending this book. Also, this took quite a while to write too. I'm still happy with it though, and I'm just happy to write a chapter for Springlocked again. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one.

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